Man burned his motorcycle for a fine for violating quarantine


When the authority required him to verify if he was included in any of the exceptions to mobilize, the man had no justification, so they imposed a summons (936,320 pesos) for not complying with the rule, according to Caracol News.

While the uniformed officers applied the sanction, the subject “knocked down the motorcycle and set it on fire with gasoline from the tank, incinerating it,” said a statement from the Prosecutor’s Office.

For this reason, the agents captured him and transferred him to a municipal prosecutor who charged him with the crimes as an alleged “responsible for violation of sanitary measures and violation of the curfew in this port,” added the accusing body.


During the charges hearing, the accused did not accept the allegations; However, the criminal judge issued an insurance measure with a home benefit, according to the letter.

To date, the National Institute of Health (INS) reports 1,135 positive cases of COVID-19 in that department.
