The athlete Michelle Martínez Machuca, member of the badminton team of Venezuela, died this Thursday in Colombia after suffering complications associated with the coronavirus, said Nicolás Maduro.
“He suffered respiratory complications and died” at his home in the Colombian city of Medellín, Maduro said on state television VTV.
In the communication that Avianca sent to several of its regular travelers, it is indicated that Between May 11 and 31 there will be 7 national routes and some of them will have three daily flights.
The routes in question are: Bogot u00e1-Medell u00edn, Bogot u00e1-Cartagena, Bogot u00e1-Cali, Bogot u00e1-Barranquilla, Bogot u00e1-Santa Marta, Medell u00edn-Cali and Medell u00edn -Barranquilla.
It is estimated that in the next few hours, President Duque will tell Colombians if the quarantine scheduled until May 11 is extended or not, and which sectors of the economy will be able to resume their face-to-face work. . The airlines appear to be in that group.
This is how several users on Twitter reported the email that came to them from Avianca:
I just received this email where they report that from May 11 Avianca will enable u00e1 daily flights on 7 national routes !! Remember that now if this is going to get worse than it is ... The economy is worth more than the lives of thousands of Colombians. / 3plpCWra8M
u2014 u2661Mileidys Ruiz (@MileydisRuiz) May 1, 2020
u2014 Carlos Pati u00f1o (@CarlosPatm) May 1, 2020
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For the above, several of his followers applauded the fact that he is sharing his quarantined time with his loved ones, and more with his niece, with whom he declared himself in love since he was born.
However, some users did not miss the opportunity to send personal messages to the reggaeton player, such as it was the case of the follower identified on the platform as Amanda Veneloff.
u201cI'm sad because i'm single u201c, expressed the woman in the comments on the photo, and the paisa responded forcefully:
u201cAnd you will follow him through quarantine and through bust u201c, writing the last word in capital letters.
Although many applauded the artist's message, there were others who claimed it was not the way to treat it. As she explains in her profile, the woman shares content for adults.
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In addition to companies authorized to transport passengers by road, the Government's special permit also includes special transport.
And the Ministry of Transport points out that it will have to have insurance policies that support the provision of the service and adopt the required biosafety protocols to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus.
So by means of the Resolution 130 of 2020, broadcast on Blu Radio, the District established that this service will be provided in Bogot u00e1 from May 1 and will remain in effect as long as the state of public calamity declared u201d by the Mayor lasts. u00eda from the capital.
The goal, says Resolution 130 of 2020 is u201c decrease the occupation in the SITP, especially the transfers that are made in the stations of the Americas Carrera 53 and Pradera with the trunk system u201d.
That means the route provided by inter-municipal buses through the Calle 13 corridor will be extended u201c in order to bring passengers closer to the downtown area and distribute the transfers to be made in seven more stations of the Trunk system u201d.
To collect and drop passengers, that route will have two routes: in the sense u2018 entering Bogota u2019 only people will be able to descend and in u00a0 the direction u2018 leaving Bogot u00e1 u2019 only passengers will be allowed to ascend in the bus stops authorized for the inter-municipal service and in the stretch of extension, previously mentioned, in the bus stops established for the SITP.
The Ministry of Mobility and the Cundinamarca Governance will evaluate the behavior of the measure, and if demand increases in other corridors of entry to the city, it will authorize new routes for inter-municipal services.
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The information was confirmed by Caracol Radio through his Twitter account; There he assured that Bol u00edvar was one of the Colombians who tested positive for this virus and lost his life because of it.
Camilo Su u00e1rez, deputy from the Amazon and indigenous Murui, was the one who confirmed the news to the media. To date, a total of 104 infections and 2 deaths have been registered in this department, one of which is the actor and will have a history of Epoc.
It is worth mentioning that Antonio was a 75-year-old man, who with his natural talent conquered several film festivals with Ciro Guerra; even, the tape that gave him national recognition led him to be at a ceremony of the u00d3scar.
It is worth mentioning that in an article of Time 2016, they commented that the artist did not live in the best conditions and his economic situation was not very favorable. However, in 2019 he participated in the series u2018Frontera verde u2019.
#ATENCI u00d3N Antonio Bol u00edvar, actor in the film The Embrace of the Serpent, which was nominated for a u00d3scar, died by Covid-19. This was confirmed to Caracol Radio by the deputy of the Amazon, Camilo Suarez. / JfyncRl5B5
u2018The mischievous Moisés u2019, as he was called on his networks, would have crashed head-on into a lamp post for unknown reasons when riding in a red Chevrolet Spark with JGN890 plates, The Pil u00f3n details.
This media also recalls that on March 13, the young man had suffered a rollover from which he had been left practically unharmed.
According to El Universal, the event happened at u00a0calle 93 with Carrera 49C of the Atlantic capital. In addition, he adds that Moses had two daughters.
Just a couple of weeks ago, on April 14, three years had passed since the death of his half-brother Martin El u00en, which happened in 2017 also in a traffic accident.
The son of the remembered artist, Martín El u00edas Jr., also a nephew of Moisés, confirmed the death on Instagram with a message of p u00e9same: u201cT u00edo, God have you in his glory u201d.
In social networks images of how the vehicle of Moisés u00e9s was, which also began to enter the world of the vallenato, transcended:
We get more images of the traffic accident that occurred on 93rd street with race 49C, in the sinister the young Moses' son of the chief of the meeting with Betsy Liliana Gonzalez would have lost his life. What terrible news. #Qu / H68WOhAsJ3
u2014 OJO VALLENATO OFICIAL (@ojovallenato_) May 1, 2020
Information in development u2026
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In a message Published on the Twitter account of the Civil Aeronautics, the director Juan Carlos Salazar assured that the national government has not defined the date on which the domestic flights will be reactivated or any other activities that are suspended during the period of mandatory preventive isolation u201d.
The official added that the Government is currently evaluating all the scenarios and will report any determination in this regard in a timely manner.
Pese a la aclaraciu00f3n, varios usuarios de redes sociales se manifestaron desconcertados por los mensajes cruzados entre las autoridades y la compau00f1u00eda, despuu00e9s de que anunciara incluso detalles sobre las primeras frecuencias que supuestamente manejaru00e1 desde el 11 de mayo.
#Informaciu00f3nImportante | La @AeroCivilCol informa que el Gobierno Nacional no ha definido la fecha de reactivaciu00f3n de vuelos domu00e9sticos, y demu00e1s operaciones au00e9reas suspendidas a rau00edz de la emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19.
u2014 Aeronu00e1utica Civil de Colombia (@AeroCivilCol) May 1, 2020
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Durante la conversaciu00f3n, en la que tambiu00e9n estuvo el doctoru00a0Miguel Bettin, director de la Fundaciu00f3n CreSer, Manuel no tuvo problema en referirse a la sombra que lo acompau00f1a desde hace mu00e1s o menos 13 au00f1os.
u201cYo no tengo ningu00fan reparo en decir que yo soy un alcohu00f3lico en recuperaciu00f3nu201c, explicu00f3 Teodoro, quien agregu00f3 que el adicto o alcohu00f3lico no deja de serlo nunca, es algo con la que se lucha a diario, u201ccon o sin pandemia, con o sin fiestasu201d.
u201cSiempre somos adictos y siempre somos alcohu00f3licos. Si ahorita estuviera en mi consumo activo, es muy probable que en este momento ya estaru00eda borrachou201c, agregu00f3 el periodista.
Ademu00e1s, con respecto de la presiu00f3n que tienen aquellos que estu00e1n en aislamiento, Manuel aseguru00f3 que en su caso se comunica con grupos de apoyo de amigos que viven con el mismo problema y esto le ha ayudado mucho.
Teodoro tambiu00e9n se refiriu00f3 a la fuerza que necesitan aquellas personas en este momento, pues en cualquier momento pueden recaer.
u201cYo tambiu00e9n soy alcohu00f3lica en recuperaciu00f3nu201c, aprovechu00f3 para confesar Dora Glottman, y explicu00f3 que lleva alrededor de un au00f1o sin ningu00fan licor, y se atreve a confesarlo ahora por que es un momento en el que muchos necesitan apoyo.
En el caso de Manuel, u00e9l se ha valido de lecturas relacionadas con el tema para no recaer, u201cla espiritualidadu201d y u201corar por la mau00f1anau201d.
u201cAfortunadamente no convivo con alcohu00f3licos. No tengo mucha cercanu00eda con amigos que consumen tragosu201d, cerru00f3 el comunicador, y la periodista recordu00f3 en la charla la importancia de pedir ayuda cuando se estu00e9 a punto de caer.
Esta es la grabaciu00f3n; las declaraciones de Manuel Teodoro se pueden escuchar a partir del minuto 5: 15.
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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP890343","titles":{"main":"Deportista venezolana de 22 au00f1os muriu00f3 por coronavirus en Medellu00edn, segu00fan Maduro","facebook":"Delicada, de ser cierto.","seo":"Maduro dice que deportista venezolana muriu00f3 por coronavirus en Medellu00edn"},"phrases":{"main":"El dictador del vecino pau00eds dio esa informaciu00f3n este jueves en una cadena nacional. Sin embargo, el gobierno colombiano no se ha pronunciado al respecto."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"deportes","name":"Deportes"}},"urls":{"main":"/deportes/maduro-dice-que-deportista-venezolana-murio-por-coronavirus-medellin-PP890343"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"sergio.jacome","name":"Sergio Jacome"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Abril 30, 2020 08:12 pm","updated":1588277543,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro","credit":"AFP","description":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro","alt":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Coronanvirus","Cuarentena","Medellu00edn","Nicolu00e1s Maduro","Venezuela"],"sources":[{"title":"Deportista venezolana muriu00f3 en Colombia por COVID-19, dijo Maduro","url":"","source":"AFP","fuente":"AFP"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn
La deportista Michelle Martu00ednez Machuca, integrante de la selecciu00f3n de bu00e1dminton de Venezuela, muriu00f3 este jueves en Colombia tras sufrir complicaciones asociadas al coronavirus, dijo Nicolu00e1s Maduro.
u201cSufriu00f3 complicaciones respiratorias y muriu00f3u201d en su casa en la ciudad colombiana de Medellu00edn, expresu00f3 Maduro en la televisora estatal VTV.
Martu00ednez, de 22 au00f1os, fue medallista de bronce en los Juegos Bolivarianos de Santa Marta 2017 y en los Juegos Sudamericanos de Cochabamba 2018, en ambos casos en la modalidad de dobles del bu00e1dminton.
La deportista, nacida en el estado Guu00e1rico, trabajaba como instructora en Medellu00edn, de acuerdo con el autu00f3crata.
Este jueves el Ministerio de Salud colombiano confirmu00f3 el fallecimiento de 15 personas mu00e1s por coronavirus y 296 nuevos casos. In this way, la cifra nacional de fallecidos subiu00f3 a 293 y el de contagiados a 6.507.
Maduro aseguru00f3 que 16 venezolanos han fallecido por COVID-19 en el extranjero. Su gobierno ha reportado 333 casos y 10 muertes en Venezuela.
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