Maduro announces measures to expand the use of the dollar as currency in Venezuela


During an interview with the Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet, the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro,
He revealed that he will open more way to the dollar in the economy of his country, with the implementation of savings accounts in that currency, although he denied that it is a total dollarization.

“We are going to create some digital payment formats, savings accounts in foreign currency, cCurrent accounts in foreign currency in Venezuelan banks, and people will be able to pay at the price of the currency -in bolivars- in the general market of the country”Maduro said.

To the journalist’s question about whether there is a contradiction between Dollarization and the Chavista Revolution, of which he boasts so much, Maduro said no.

“It cannot be said that Venezuela is, like Ecuador for example, a dollarized economy. It does not depend on the US Department of the Treasury like Panama. No”, He contrasted.

Mature, howeverHe insisted that he will continue to defend the bolivar as the currency of Venezuela.

“Venezuela has its currency, the bolivar, and we are going to defend it in 2021 by improving income. We have to improve the quality of the Venezuelan currency. We have to continue reducing inflation, which is still very high, although we have been gradually controlling it, “he added.
