Mabel Lara sympathized with Luis Carlos Vélez for digital bullying and now the criticism is raining down on her


Instagram Mabel Lara
Instagram Mabel Lara

Twitter remains a merciless arena when it comes to controversies taking off. The director of La FM, Luis Carlos Vélez, was harshly criticized for a comment he made in full coverage of the US presidential elections, to the point of being a trend for several days. After posting a video on his Twitter account in which he assured that he was being virtually bullied, the cycle repeated itself.

This was the video that Vélez published:

As a show of solidarity, Mabel lara, renowned presenter and several times winner of awards for her work on television, wrote about the video: “Bullying is a serious matter, my solidarity with Luis Carlos Vélez.”

Twitter Mabel Lara
Twitter Mabel Lara

The comment earned the presenter a barrage of criticism on Twitter from those who they consider themselves disappointed in this position, since they associate the two journalists on different shores: one closer to the establishment and she, who was part of Noticias Uno for several years, closer to the counter-power. But what aroused the most criticism was the fact that Lara blocked several users, this aroused complaints and turned the journalist into a trend for several hours this Sunday morning.

Criticisms in this regard towards Mabel Lara have a close antecedent, when in August the presenter praised the letter that Lina Moreno, wife of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, He wrote about his house arrest. At the time, the communicator was for several days in the middle of a controversy that many of her followers did not forgive her.

Is there bullying about Luis Carlos Vélez?

Part of the anger of users on Twitter has to do with the fact that Luis Carlos Vélez has considered himself a victim of bullying. MiIton MuriIIo, a psychiatrist and teacher at the Universidad del Rosario, through a thread that already has more than three thousand likes and has been shared more than a thousand times, noted that he has seen enough victims of abuse, “bullying” and harassment in his 11 years of experience: “excuse me if I cause you some difficult”, Referring to the journalist.

Grass: Uribistas reacted after knowing the victory of Joe Biden, although Álvaro Uribe still does not

The psychiatrist explained that bullying is a form of harassment that happens within a school environment, between peers. Children or adolescents. While harassment is aggressive or violent and systematic behavior. “The aggressor, always in a situation of power, attacks the victim with the intention of intimidating, controlling or causing harm,” argued the expert.

And he asks the journalist Vélez: “In which of the two definitions does your case fit? Seriously, which one? Since 2018 I have participated in the mental health and communications space of the National Congress of Psychiatry. And here, there is no harassment. Much less bullying “Murillo said about the video published by the journalist.


The teacher questions the communicator saying that he has an enormous position of power. “Not only does it have a primetime radio spot, it has a social media platform with CMs and hundreds of thousands of followers. Very helpless “he commented.

The doctor expressed in his personal account that for him Luis Carlos Vélez has established himself as one of the voices of the establishment in Colombia: “a darling of the owners of this country. A very fragile being ”.

Murillo said that for a long time, the journalist has abused everything that does not fit in his head. “He is a journalist, not just any fanatic. Human, yes, but with different responsibilities “he explained.

Regarding the situation that the director of La FM starred in the electoral coverage of the United States in which he expressed his opinion about what Joe Biden should do, the psychiatrist said that “It misinforms, disqualifies, minimizes social causes, is arrogant and hostile. And when his narcissism gets out of control and puts him in trouble, like a couple of days ago, he hides himself in what works best “.

While in front of the video that the journalist published this Saturday indicating that he has been a victim of cyberbullying, Murillo described:

Video: contrite face, decreased tone of voice, “informal look” with a dropped hearing aid (like any mortal), illuminated stage … well, pure semiology. And do you recognize your mistake? No. He victimizes himself.

The teacher also defended himself because for him making a trill, giving a fav to a trill or sharing a meme is not violence.

Luis Carlos, the risk of riding a tiger is then not being able to get off. You must bear the consequences of your words for your position of power. “He who says what he wants has to listen to what he does not want …”, Murillo wrote.


Why the controversy arose Luis Carlos Vélez

Live for RCN News, Vélez said: “It would have to be a very great act of chivalry by Joe Biden to say: -man I don’t want a very big pain in this country and I am going to concede-, because on the side of Donald Trump he is going to take out all the legal battery to make this a lot slower”. This interpretation, which many understood as an improbable and out of place possibility in light of the results, ended up going viral on the social network until turning the journalist into a national trend since November 4.

Hours later, the journalist uploaded the full video of the transmission, where he states that it was misinterpreted. In the full sequence, the reporter explained that he tried to say that Biden was more likely to acknowledge his opponent’s victory than Trump.

Luis Carlos Vélez publishes full video in which he says he was misinterpreted

At the time, the director of La FM pointed out that the video was taken out of context. Message that he repeated this Saturday in a video that he uploaded to his personal account and where he also exposes the situation he has faced these days due to the bullying he has received for that comment.

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“After much thought, I post this video and I do it thinking about my family,” said the journalist. And I add: “Cyberbullying in networks is real, it creates and leaves traces. It affects people, there are multiple studies that say that people who are victims of bullying on social networks get depressed and even think about suicide “.

The political analyst pointed out that he was a victim of cyberbullying while covering the elections. “They cut a video, edited it, and started filming something that I didn’t say,” Velez explained.

I never said that Joe Biden should concede, I just showed a hypothetical scenario and tried to give some explanations. Sure things can be said better, but it cannot happen is that they use us as prey to destroy us.

The journalist ended the video by noting that he was uploading it because he is worried about what is happening and that his family is involved in it.

Luis Carlos Vélez received the support of other journalists such as Vicky Dávila and Andrea Bernal.


Faced with the United States elections, after more than four days of a complex vote count, Joe biden He achieved victory in the states of Pennsylvania and Nevada, which gave him a minimum of 290 electoral votes, surpassing the 270 necessary to consecrate himself as President-elect of the United States. The results in these states were confirmed by the agency AP and the mainstream media, but President Donald Trump is far from acknowledging defeat. On the contrary, it has denounced fraud in the most contested districts and initiated lawsuits there. The dispute could escalate to the Supreme Court of the United States.
