Luis Gustavo Moreno: former anti-corruption prosecutor speaks from prison – Investigative Unit


From one of the cells of the prosecutor’s bunker, four floors below what was his brand-new office as anti-corruption chief of that entity, Luis Gustavo Moreno spoke exclusively with EL TIEMPO about his return to the country (last December 4), the information he still has about the ‘Toga cartel’ and his fear of being assassinated.

(You may be interested: Gustavo Moreno’s mother denounces that she fears he will be assassinated)

The once powerful official, who seized influential former ministers and governors and ended up corrupted, now asks not to be transferred to a conventional jail: “If they send me to jail that is my death sentence.”

Why is your family saying that they fear you will be killed if you leave the bunker?

In the extension of the principle of opportunity that was reached with the Prosecutor’s Office, endorsed by a guarantee judge, it was established that I am going to continue collaborating but that, for security reasons, I was going to be confined in the Center for Higher Studies of the Police (Cespo). But arguing a false motivation, they did not want to transfer me.

Why do you have to have privileges? What false motivation?

The outgoing director of the Police said that Cespo is not a place of confinement and there have been 15 people deprived of their liberty by administrative order or by Inpec decisions. Currently there are people convicted of the ‘hiring carousel, there is Mr. Prieto (Roberto Prieto), who is a civilian, and General (r.) Maza Márquez, but not as former director of the DAS.

Leonidas Bustos

Former magistrate Leonidas Bustos remains in Canada. Moreno says he is ready to testify in that case.


Mauricio León / THE TIME

You made that decision. Why don’t you wait for justice to act?

Something unusual is happening. When the courts go on vacation, there are some on duty to attend habeas corpus and guard them. But my guardianship was distributed to a judge who is on vacation. And this Wednesday the third judge made a decision, without any basis, ordering my transfer to La Modelo (who is not receiving covid) or La Picaleña, in Ibagué.

It’s stupid. The processes in which I am collaborating are here. I am not asking for comfort. The law establishes a place of confinement for former officials to guarantee safety and physical integrity. One cannot send a policeman into a yard with people that he possibly captured or prosecuted. Many of the people who are in those patios were prosecuted by the Anti-Corruption Unit when I was director. In addition, I have the status of witness in process that are still in progress against three magistrates of the Supreme Court, several Congressmen and even officials from here, from the Prosecutor’s Office … Dr. Betín.

I ask the country to open its eyes. Bustos, in Canada; Ricaurte, in his house; Dr. Camilo, at home; Asthon, released; and the witness, at risk of having his life turned off

According to you, what is behind the decision not to send it to Cespo?

There are dark hands. If that decision is fulfilled, that is my death sentence. They want to silence me, that has no other explanation. No judge in the republic is unaware of collaboration processes, least of all a judge for the execution of sentences. How they are going to get me out of the city where I am giving my statements, where the prosecutors have access to me (…) is a decision that puts my life at risk.

Who wants to silence him?

Many people. I have not yet testified in the process against Leonidas Bustos. There are people close to them who are in power today, even in the Ministry of Justice and in Congress. I am back in the country. I could have applied for asylum, like any citizen or like Alejandro Lyons (former governor of Córdoba). I returned to finish serving my sentence and to continue cooperating and I am amazed at what is happening.

Former Magistrate Francisco Ricaurte

Former magistrate Francisco Ricaurte was released due to expiration of terms.


Carlos Ortega / TIME

You have already declared in some cases. Do you have more to say?

The extradition process stopped the statements. But I’m not in the ‘cover, cover’. In fact there are hearings scheduled for January and I am subpoenaed for another trial.
I cannot name a name, because it would be irresponsible. That anomaly in the distribution of guardianship, when I am testifying against those who were the heads of the judicial branch. It’s a coincidence? It is imminent to the risk that I run.

And what will you do now?

We are going to file a new guardianship against the sentence enforcement judge. And it will be requested as a precautionary measure that no transfer be made until the first guardianship fails.

You were in a high position and ended up being corrupted. Now he says he is afraid that something will happen to him …

I pray not. I am a father, a son and I have the desire to live. That is why I take the opportunity to ask that I do not want to commit suicide or have any type of depression. I have come to face the collaboration process. There is no possibility that I take such a measure. I don’t want them to say if something happens that I committed suicide. If that were to happen, without a doubt there are the people who benefited from the acts of corruption, who today are harmed by the collaboration and the evidence that I have provided.

Are there people missing in the case of the ‘Toga poster’?

Many have gone down and know that if the Prosecutor’s Office, the Accusations Commission or any entity, such as the Attorney General’s Office, are interested and investigate … I am not in the ‘cover, cover’. I want to vindicate myself with the country, with my daughter, with my family and start over. The acts of corruption of the heads of the organs of administration of justice cannot go unpunished. Nor can they murder someone who is collaborating.

What specifically do you ask about your security?

I ask the country to open its eyes. Bustos, in Canada; Ricaurte, in his house; Dr. Camilo, at home; Asthon, released; and the witness, at risk of being killed. I ask the Prosecutor, the President, to guarantee my life.

What is your security condition at this time?

I’m in a bunker dungeon. When I arrived from the United States, they transferred me here to pass the quarantine. I already fulfilled it. During the day I have access to calls, I receive food for safety from my family’s own hand. I distrust receiving any type of food. I only have access to my lawyers. But at any moment they can transfer me.

What do you regret? Where did he go wrong?

To have crossed the line, to have surrounded myself badly. Friendships corrupt, people who were my teachers, who I admired, who wanted to imitate them. I think that circle and I got corrupted. I don’t mean to say that I did it without knowing. I did it and I regret it. I lost my freedom, my family, my heritage. I have bowed my head in shame in front of my mother’s eyes. I regret.

[email protected]
