Luis Andrés’ father talks about Laura Moreno and friends


And it was not for more, because according to Luis Alonso Colmenares, in an interview with Pulzo, despite the fact that Laura Moreno had gone to his house to do work with her son, after the fateful dawn in which he died in circumstances yet to be established ( October 31, 2010), he never spoke to them again.

“Sometimes he came to study with Luis there at the house, but no more. I never crossed a greeting because due to my occupations, jobs, trips and classes I did not have the opportunity. The mother was the one who, in some way, had, at least by sight, the most opportunity to see her, ”said the father.

Luis Alonso confessed that Jessy Quintero, another of Colmenares’s alleged friends, also left there after she was accused, but what caused him the most surprise was the attitude assumed by a young man who was very close to his son.

Luis’s biggest deal was with one of his colleagues who lived in a building next door, Gonzalo Gómez. He was the one we knew the best, but just as everyone ran, he also ran, despite the fact that in practice he always showed Luis some feeling of appreciation, and we never understood his reaction, “he commented with deep sadness.

Gómez’s reaction could be explained, based on his statements in the case, in which it possibly had something to do with his notable contradictions, since when the prosecutor delegated to the Supreme Court asked him if the firefighters had entered the pipe to search Luis’s body, at dawn, he replied that he did not see them.

However, in a previous statement he gave to the Prosecutor’s Office, he replied: “Yes sir […], I don’t know if they searched under the bridge or not “. In addition, the young man also contradicted himself when speaking that the level of the water in the pipe could have dragged a body, and then said that “it was nothing.”

Luis Andrés Colmenares’ father hopes that justice will be done for the death of his son

But beyond those details, Luis’s father told Pulzo that “he will have to give an account to God”, since he came out well in court for the events surrounding the death of his soul ‘friend’.

In this video, Luis Alonso Colmenares (who also gave his opinion on the death of Ana María Castro), raised a hypothesis about how his son would have been murdered, to refute the thesis of an alleged accident in the pipe.
