Luis Andrés Colmenares’ mother supports Ana María Castro’s mother in her duel


This Friday, March 5, it was one year since the death of the university student Ana María Castro, a case that in recent months has gained relevance for public opinion and has many Colombians expectant about the moment in which the authorities establish how the young woman lost her life after partying with some friends.

Castro’s case has been compared by many to that of Luis Andrés Colmenares. In fact, the father of the deceased young man, Luis Alonso Colmenares, acknowledged in dialogue with Pulzo a few weeks ago that what happened with the university is very similar to the drama that he lives by the death of his eldest son, although he considers that justice now has more elements to determine who are responsible.

Jorge Colmenares, Bogotá councilor for the Democratic Center and younger brother of Luis Andrés Colmenares, spoke with Pulzo about the case of Ana María Castro and he referred to the compensation for the family of the young woman who raised the defense of Paul Naranjo, the man captured as allegedly responsible for Castro’s femicide.

“In these cases, for families, loved ones are priceless and the pain a family has cannot be valued in money. Just a year ago, my mother began to recover from what had happened with my brother, created her foundation and began to show a different face than the suffering that had been carried out, ”said the councilor.

When evaluating the case of Ana María Castro, Colmenares confirmed that her mother recently approached the young woman’s to accompany her through her foundation in the grief she is leading.

“My mother’s foundation has already had close ties with Ana María’s mother. He is in his process of mourning, of recovery. The only message I send is that the relatives cannot be bought from us, pain cannot be bought and what has to be done is that there is justice, that they repair the victims, but that they repair them with the truth ”, said the youngest of the Colmenares, who this Saturday turned 26 years old.

“My mother wants to accompany the mother, because she understands the pain she is suffering., understands everything that generates the fact of losing a child at an early age. Is that. That talk between mothers to tell him: ‘I understand you, I know what you are experiencing, I know what you are going through,’ “concluded the councilor.

Ana María Castro would have turned 22 on February 16, but to date, on the first anniversary of his death, the manner in which he died has not been clarified. It was recently known that he had received blows at “two different times.”

Paul Naranjo, who would have hidden from the Prosecutor’s Office in a hotel belonging to his girlfriend’s family, and Julián Ortegón are still in prison, while Mateo Reyes traveled to Miami and has no judicial requirements, despite the fact that he was the last known to see her alive and described how the young woman received the fatal wounds.

Next, the moment of the interview with Pulzo in which Jorge Colmenares talks about the Castro case:
