Luigi Echeverri: letter from Duque’s adviser to the newspaper El País. It is dispatched against Iván Cepeda – Government – Politics


Luis Guillermo Echeverri, the man who speaks in the ear of President Iván Duque, who is very close and who listens to his advice, sent a harsh letter to the Spanish newspaper El País, in which, among other things, he says that the media They should not give space to Senator Iván Cepeda, of the opposition.

In the letter, Echeverri, who was Duque’s presidential campaign manager, talks about the issue of drug trafficking and says that the coca plant is not bad by itself, but rather the evil of the man who makes it alkaline.

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Add that These criminal organizations are those represented by the Colombian senator, his active narco-terrorist allies of organized crime. and his unscrupulous political allies like the Venezuelan dictator.

After this he mentions the systematic demonization in the media “of the champion of the defense of Latin American democracy” embodied in the figure of former president Álvaro Uribe.

He adds that the “media assassination of the figure of former President Uribe” does not differ at all from the relationship between the destruction of tropical nature that is needed as the lung of humanity.

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Mr. Director, I cannot find the explanation to allow Iván Cepeda, master of deception, maker of false testimony, modern inquisitor, the leader of the parliamentary guerrilla, amplify as true, the fallacy of which he himself is the intellectual, material and executioner of the human and democratic integrity of one of the most important political leaders in the world and contemporary democracy ”, says the letter, sent to Javier Moreno , director of the newspaper El País.

For Echeverri, “It is not democratic to give a media showcase to the parliamentary forces of narco terrorism”. And he adds that “It cannot be that the media give credit and priority to the illegal story of the bird that shoots the shotguns at him.”

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“I cannot find the ethical explanation for the big media in order to gain ‘clicks’ and ‘ratings’ are not aware of what is happening in Latin America and believe that what we are witnessing is a simple ideological dispute between left or right,” says the letter to the editor of the Spanish newspaper.

