Lucena: “There is no salary but there is money to pay for exams”


The sport in Colombia is still detained due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, the Minister of Sports, Ernesto Lucena, explained what the first phase of the return and training would be like, according to the protocols necessary for high-performance athletes.

In dialogue with Deportes W, Lucena He spoke about Colombian football and the issue of medical examinations that players would need to undergo to think about resuming the League.. The Minister, who had already assured that there are doubts regarding the application of the protocol that Dimayor presented for the return of football, also referred to the Women’s Professional League, the issue of the tournament format and the obligations of the television contract, the Avanza Colombia program and clarified doubts regarding golf.

Colombian soccer

Resources for player medical exams: “To be very specific and not give the answer a spin, we have always told them that the resources have to come out of Colombian football. The Dimayor as a private entity, and the clubs as private entities, should try to ensure that Those resources of the testing are given. In the conversations that I have had with President Vélez, he has told me that he sees no greater problem with that and I hope that this will be the case, which of course would be the first step, to have guaranteed resources for testing and being able to continue expanding the spectrum and reach the end that we want the League to restart when the time is right. “

Contractual agreements with players: “The teams are all going through a very complex moment. The fact that they want to suspend the contracts means that there are no payrolls, so how do you combine a sport that cannot pay wages but then there will be exams. Here the first thing that must be met before thinking about any restart of the League is with labor commitments.If there is no coherence in the process regarding the labor issue, much less will a player expose himself, no matter how much you promise him what he will promise, to go out and play and suddenly be contaminated. Then a vicious circle begins between leaders, clubs and players where in the end what it will lead to is that the league does not restart. ”

Women’s soccer: “When they presented the protocol, if you look at the first page there is talk of the return of football and of all the categories, then when one speaks of all the categories the Women’s Professional League was included there and on that basis the guarantees also have to go as we start a Women’s League. Now, I don’t know what will happen there, it is part of what the Dimayor has to answer us, because the integrity of the protocol was for all the divisions, we hope that the answer is around all of them. I imagine that some answers will come that once I have them and can read them, they will have to be solved. Because we have not fought all this time for a Women’s League to exist, for the Ministry to even incorporate some resources from its budget to put them in the Women’s League and that they will not have the same guarantees, not only that the League exists but the care protocol they need against COVID. “

Tournament format and TV deals: “I don’t get into that, that’s a private business, just as at one point they let us know that this is a private matter. I didn’t have any particularity with the president in that, I asked him if this league had to end the format that was made up, for the sake of helping and understanding that the epidemiological curve in certain cities would allow us to make another format. I understand that in front of television they have to end the tournament format that they carry because they are in the clauses contractual and therefore because in that we as a government can not get involved, that is a negotiation that is already done and on which the Dimayor will make the decision with the clubs “

Avanza Colombia Program

Credit line: “That is one of the most important issues, the social vocation that we have with the sectors. We are seeing in the municipalities the difficulty of sports training schools, clubs, sports journalism. I believe that with that line of credit that it is 25 billion in this phase, what we are looking for is to be able to provide loans to individuals, up to 25 million pesos, and to legal entities up to 200 million pesos. ”

How to request the credit?: “On the Ministry’s page:, there they click on the Avanza Colombia program, they leave us their data and we send those data to the Agrarian Bank. We aspire that between 1 or 2 days they contact them to start the the entire line of credit process. ”

Other sports like golf

Can more than 50 people play on a field ?: “The Golf Federation passed a protocol. You have to start from a base, first if the golf course is going to be open all day. That is something that is not determined by the Ministry of Sport or even the National Government, because this is a matter for the municipalities. I was saying, let’s see why physical activity is currently from 6 to 10. If you only have the possibility of 6 to 10 open, suppose it would be 4 hours to go out and play golf, because you cannot have 50 at the same time on the field. If you have all day, the number can range from 50 or maybe a little more, which means that here we depend on so many variables “.

All against the coronavirus

Following these recommendations we prevent the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) in our country: 1. Wash your hands frequently, 2. Do not greet people with kisses or handshakes, 3. If you cough, cover your mouth with your elbow flexed or with a disposable tissue, 4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and the mouth, 5. If you have a fever or shortness of breath, seek medical attention, but call line 123, 6 first. Follow the instructions of the local and national authorities.

Likewise, the Ministry of Health developed an application for the cell phone that allows to follow what happens with the Covid-19 in the country. CoronaApp is available for free to download on Android and iOS devices.

And remember, stay home!
