Look behind the scenes of Diana Hoyos’ birthday celebration


The cast of Nurses “lit the party” moments before the great toast to the actress’ birthday.

Apr 23, 2020 8:42 PMBy: canalrcn.com

On April 22, the beautiful actress and protagonist of Nurses, Diana Hoyos, celebrated her birthday in the middle of the coronavirus quarantine.

With a beautiful photo shared on his Instagram account, a social network where he has more than 800,000 followers, Diana posed with a birthday cake, which was adorned by 6 candles and a pink star in the center.

It might interest you: This is how the cast of Nurses celebrated Diana Hoyos’ birthday

Likewise, a short clip accompanied the snapshot where she blows out the candles, thus celebrating another year of life with her loved ones.

But this was not the only surprise he received in his day, since much of the cast of Nurses He was accompanying her from a distance through a video call, where they took the opportunity to toast one more year of life.

In the video call everyone was very happy about this virtual reunion, where without a doubt the main theme was the birth of the actress who acts as Maria Clara Produced by Our Tele.

However, a video of what happened before the official video call It has become a favorite for fans of the soap opera, because all the actors are much more spontaneous there.

And is that Sebastian changes his shirt for a skeleton, Viña does a sensual dance with his hips, the actor Andrés Suarez shown shirtless and darling Coconut, Federico Rivera He was bearded and with his pet.

Singing well-known songs, dancing and even teasing each other, this is how this beloved cast was seen who takes every moment to smile and have fun, just as they did during the recordings of Nurses.

Relive this fun video here!

See also: Sebastián Carvajal and Diana Hoyos revealed what was the most difficult scene to record
