Live: Protests and marches in Colombia against the abuse of authority – Other Cities – Colombia


For the afternoon of this Thursday, several of the main cities of the country have called mobilizations against the police abuses and the massacres registered in recent months.

Although at first a demonstration had been called at 2:00 pm in the San Antonio park, in Medellín, hours before it was announced on social networks that all the points would be united in one, so the only point of concentration was the Park of Desires.

Upon arriving at the San Antonio Police Station, a policeman was guarding the entrance behind several white fences that cordoned off his entrance.

A few meters away, with greater rigor in the command of the Metropolitan Police of the Aburrá Valley, they were in uniform guarding all their fronts,
also with fences. Well, yesterday this site was attacked by protesters.

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Mobilizations against police abuse

Station in Medellín is guarded by the police.


Jaiver Nieto. TIME

At this time, dozens of people gather in the Parque de los Deseos, in the shadow of the Casa de la Música. For now, those present sing harangues against the Police. Most wait sitting waiting for the arrival of more people.

Young students from the University of Antioquia and other universities in the city were present at the site. On a banner, with Dilan’s painted faces Cruz and Julián Mauricio González can be read “no compass has died, we are still fighting.” On the floor are the names and dates of other young people who have died in protests or official proceedings.

Daniel Pérez, one of the protesters who is with a group of citizens, explained to EL TIEMPO that there must be some transformation in the Public Force, for which he describes as “a systematic attack on the population.”

He stressed that the harangues have always been the same, because it is not new that the Police commit these attacks.

Protests in Medellín

Students gather at this time with banners.


Jaiver Nieto. TIME

At the height of Ruta N, protesters broke windows of Bancolombia ATMs and of an advertising notice at a bus stop of the Bolívar race.

Clash with the Esmad

On the outskirts of the Faculty of Public Health of the University of Antioquia, Esmad intervened and after clashes with the protesters, they managed to divert the people who continue the mobilization.

Protests in Medellín

Some facades of banks and public transport stops have been vandalized.


Jaiver Nieto. TIME

In turn, in Barranquilla, a mobilization is scheduled from the Autonomous University of the Caribbean to the Plaza de la Paz.

In the Atlantic capital, mobilizations were registered in two parts of the city this Wednesday night.

One of those points was on Carrera 43 with Calle 50, in the center of the capital of Atlántico, where a group of people gathered with banners in which they they could read phrases like “They kill us” and “Justice!”

With the slogan “No more police abuse”, this march was called in Barranquilla. Although the call has been through social networks by different groups of young people, they all agree in rejecting the violence with which the uniformed National Police have acted in the last hours.

Also read: Candle in Cartagena for the crime of a young man at the hands of the police

In Santa Marta they protest for a young man who was shot by the Police

The death of lawyer Javier Humberto Ordóñez Bermúdez in a Police operation brought to mind in Santa Marta the case of a motorcycle taxi driver who a little more than one month he died after being shot in the head by a uniformed man who tried to immobilize his motorcycle.

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Relatives, friends and inhabitants of the city decided to join the national protests to reject the police abuse that according to the perception that exists, has been taking place throughout the country.

The protesters gathered outside the police institution located in the downtown area, there they remembered the events where Jhonatan lost his life José López Jurado and reiterated their request that his death not go unpunished.

Those close to the 29-year-old say that nothing more has been said about the causes for which a police officer from the Metropolitan of Santa Marta operated his weapon in a traffic procedure.

Santa Marta Police

The community stood on the side of the road to make itself felt.

“They said that my son was armed and that version they have not been able to demonstrate. Despite this, the policeman who killed him has not been prosecuted and, on the contrary, he was awarded an administrative position, ”said his father, José López.

López fears that justice will not be done, that is why he thanked the support he received this Thursday from the people who took to the streets to demand a more humane treatment of the agents of the Police to the citizens and that this event be thoroughly investigated.

The commander of the Metropolitan Police, Óscar Solarte, reiterated that the Prosecutor’s Office will be in charge of establishing the agent’s responsibility and the manner in which the events occurred.

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