Live, Manuela Gómez revealed that she is threatened with death and has evidence


The influencer surprised with her revelation and revealed some details of her troubling situation.

Apr 30, 2020 5:37 PMBy:

Businesswoman Manuela Gomez It worried thousands of her followers after revealing that she is threatened with death.

He did it through a live on his account Instagram, where her intention was to show the saints she had in her house after she was questioned about it, however, near them was a bottle of soda with a transparent liquid.

In the possible doubt about what that was, the former protagonist of Nuestra Tele explained that she had someone in there frozen with formalin.

It may interest you: Annoyed, Manuela Gómez replied if her fight with Yina Calderón was false

After his strange confession he clarified that it is not about witchcraft, but on the contrary it is something of God, on whom he relies all the time.

“I have someone frozen in formalin because it is a very long story, but he is a person who wants to hurt me a lot, I have all the evidence, chats of his threats, a video (…) a lot has happened and I have feared a lot for myself life (…) I have everything organized in case something suddenly happens to me ”he explained.

He added that this person also has threatened his work team, in case they try to defend him.

“That was something horrible and I am still very afraid because I did nothing to that person, but envy is very hi … (…) and having to be afraid, delusion of persecution is not fair, I have sought many aids and that is why I chose to freeze someone ”, he detailed.

He also revealed that she did not appear as a DJ in Medellín again precisely because of these threats and clarified that she has not filed a complaint with the police because according to her, if she did, it would be worse.

“What use is a dead complaint to me? You’re welcome, and now I understand many people when they don’t report because of fear ”, said.

Although he did not want to reveal the name, but specified that it was a woman, many asked if it was Yina Calderón after the fight they had a few months ago, however, their inconvenience occurred long after Manuela decided not to do their DJ shows again.

But when in doubt, a follower questioned the influencer in this regard and this He stressed that he has not threatened her, but has warned her, where in case she comes back to mess with her family, her hand will shake to hit her.

Do not stop reading: Manuela Gómez was locked up after extreme security and live asked her fans for help
