Libra – Saturday, April 25, 2020: you do something daring this weekend | Libra Horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon is in transit by the sign of Gemini in the vibration of six, which indicates love, family, home. The retrograde movement of the planetoid Pluto is initiated by the sign of Capricorn, the other planets follow directly. Your ruler, the planet Venus, transits through Gemini.

Go preparing the conditions because you need to have money to face the new situations. You meet someone very interesting.

Inject your relationship with something refreshing and show that loved one that you continue to be that spontaneous and vital human being that you admire so much.

There is nothing impossible for you if you set your mind to it with will and determination.

Concentrate on what you really need, not what you want, because then you will not be dispersing your energy or fantasizing about things that are not real or possible.

The noblest signs of the zodiac


Act as your heart tells you and do not let yourself be carried away by comments or suspicions but rather open yourself to passion because intense events can happen in your love relationship this weekend that will transform your life.

Take care of your mental health by exercising and relaxing properly because during this cycle you are very disturbed which negatively affects your health.

You must solve work problems that will challenge your intelligence and experience at work. Plan ahead the tasks to be done on this Saturday and you will have no interruptions. You must not leave any pending business until tomorrow

The spread of three cards in the tarot


Money and fortune
If you are worried about a work issue that has not been solved and you are owed money, in the next few days you will have news that will help you recover from your losses.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Saturday: medium.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: the good disposition in the face of unexpected situations.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Libra sign: anxiety, existential angst.
What should I avoid ?: stress, disorganization of my affairs, not putting things in their place.

Quote of the day: Smart people realize the intention behind the words.

Couple prediction for today saturday
Today’s best relationship: This day things will go very well in relations with Gemini and Aquarius as well as with Sagittarius.
The most tense relationship: it can happen with Virgo or Capricorn.
Your current compatibility: there is a good wave compatible with most of the signs although it is not the best in the case of earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn).
If you are single or single: do not be impatient when it comes to emotionally committing yourself, wait a bit.

The call of Santa Muerte
