Leopoldo López was Duque’s guest in ‘Prevention and Action’


This Monday, in his daily program, the head of state surprised him to tune in to know the most recent data on the coronavirus and its impact in the country.

Despite the fact that he did have other interventions related to the health crisis, in social networks it drew the attention of Colombians that in the last 10 minutes Duque gave a space to the Venezuelan opposition leader, whom he helped to clandestinely leave his country.

The president noted that Leopoldo López has been in Colombia for the last few days, since he was even seen at the border, and asked him to speak about the immigration situation.

López pointed out in his speech that “Colombia is an example for the world. The migratory issue is an issue that is in the forefront and the way Colombia and Colombians have treated the way Venezuelans have had to leave the country is an example ”.

However, despite the flattery of López, who fled Venezuela to reunite with his family in Spain, many Colombians did not like his presence in a national television space that was created and destined for another purpose, especially due to the political dye what’s wrong with it.

The criticism became more popular, especially because a few days ago in a forum, Duque came out in defense of this television space reiterating that its sole purpose was to deal with the health emergency and not different situations:

“More than looking for ratings and more than looking for spaces for personal promotion, what we have had there is a vehicle to give Colombians accurate, unequivocal information on how progress is being made in dealing with the pandemic and in a process of economic reactivation ”.

Leopoldo López in Iván Duque’s program

For this reason, in social networks there were some criticisms of citizens, among whom there were also comments from journalists and politicians; some even appealed to sarcasm:

In the comments, the people also made reference to the fact that recently it was learned that the Presidency of the Republic will allocate more than 6,000 million pesos to create new television spaces to promote the Duque government during the two years that remain in office.

Months before, there had also been talk that the Casa de Nariño was evaluating taking ‘Prevention and Action’ off the air in light of Duque’s poor results in the latest opinion and favorability polls and his low rating.

Precisely, it was learned that the program would end in two months when the health emergency, recently extended until February 2021, also ends.

This was the intervention of Leopoldo López in the program this Monday:
