Leopoldo López live | The opposition leader talks about his departure from Venezuela – Venezuela – International


The Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López said this Tuesday, in his first press conference in Madrid after leaving Venezuela, that he never wanted to leave his country and that his intention is “to return to liberate Venezuela.”

“I did not want to leave Venezuela, I always said it, unfortunately the circumstances led me to this”said the opposition leader, who called the government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro a “dictatorship”, whom he called “criminal.”

(You may be interested: ‘Venezuelans, this decision has not been easy’: Leopoldo López)

López arrived in Madrid this Sunday after leaving his country “clandestinely” across the Colombian border, after leaving the residence of the Spanish ambassador in Caracas.

When asked how he got out of Venezuela, López stated that he preferred not to give details. “I do not do it to protect the identity of those who helped me and so that others, if they need it, can do it. At this time, due to my responsibility towards people who collaborated, I cannot give more details “, affirmed the opposition leader who indicated that his departure was three days ago.

Leopoldo Lopez

López affirmed that no one has any doubt that Nicolás “Maduro is a criminal.”


Oscar del Pozo / AFP

“I arrived by commercial plane. I asked that it be able to arrive discreetly for a very personal reason: What I was most excited about was being able to surprise my children. That was my greatest illusion. She didn’t want that surprise to spoil anything. It was worth it, I would do it that way a thousand times. ”

(Also read: What is known of the 3 detainees after the departure of López from Venezuela?)

The opposition leader neither denied nor confirmed whether he had passed through Colombia. “I don’t know who told you it was for Colombia,” López told the journalist who asked him. “Maybe it was through Colombia, maybe it was somewhere else. It was how it was and allowed me to get here,” said the opposition leader, who noted that only five people knew of his departure from Venezuela and that not even his wife, Lillian Tintori, had knowledge about this.

Maybe it was in Colombia, maybe it was somewhere else. It was how it was and it allowed me to get here

In which he described as a “new stage”, López assured that his agenda will focus on three aspects: promoting free presidential elections, fair and verifiable; point out responsibilities for DD violations. H H.; and promote mechanisms for economic and humanitarian aid for the Venezuelan people

(You may be interested: What is known about the 3 detainees after the departure of López from Venezuela?)

López assured that these are objectives articulated with the opposition leader Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela for more than 50 countries, and a work team with the intention of bringing Venezuela closer to freedom and democracy.

* With Efe
