Laura Weinstein, recognized activist of the trans population, passed away


For the trans population in Colombia the name of Laura Weinstein is a reference. As executive director of the Fundación Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a Personas Trans (GAAT) and defender of Human Rights, she fought many battles in favor of the trans population, the most recent: the regulation of voting for this population.

Laura’s death was confirmed by GAAT on her official Twitter account: “We regret to report the passing of Our Director Laura Weinstein. Thank you for every moment that you allowed us to build collectively, for your teachings and for all your unconditional support. We send a very warm hug to all his family ”.

The news generated a wave of reactions from activist and human rights organizations. UN Colombia wrote “we deeply regret the passing of Laura Weinstein, a courageous defender of transgender people. Your contributions allowed us to move forward as a society. We will continue working for the #DDHH of all people. Our condolences to his family, friends and trans community ”.

For its part, the Ombudsman’s Office also regretted the events “the Ombudsman’s Office regrets the death of the Human Rights Defender Laura Weinstein, who with her tireless work fought for equality in our country and contributed to the construction of an egalitarian society and equitable. It will be in each of our hearts “

Likewise, Luis Ernesto Gómez, mayor in charge of Bogotá, expressed a painful day for the LGBTI movement due to the death of Laura, a community activist and human rights defender. His leadership was decisive for the construction of the Refuge House and the LGBTI public policy of Bogotá. A supportive hug to your friends and family.

Laura’s last communication was on December 31 through her Twitter account where she reported “people I guarantee that I have been very judicious and many know that it is so. Since yesterday I have been hospitalized for respiratory difficulties, they did the #Covid test and we wait for the result. But this not being able to breathe is something that I would never wish on anyone ”.
