Laura Weinstein, activist and reference for the trans population, passed away


Laura Weinstein was the executive director of the Fundación Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a Personas Trans (GAAT), one of the organizations that fights for the rights of trans people in Colombia.

The name is Laura Weinstein, she is a reference for the trans population in Colombia. His tenacity, his firmness and his love for human rights were some of the constants in his life. From the direction of the Fundación Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a Personas Trans (GAAT) championed some of the most important struggles to claim equality and dignity for trans people. (Read here: Trans-feminicides, hate and brutality)

A profile published in 2017 by the digital medium Sentiido, which addresses issues of sexual diversity, tells that Weinstein arrived at GAAT when he was two years old, in 2009. But a year later the coordinator at that time left and the position was vacant , so Weinstein took over temporarily. However, the definitive replacement never came and she was then at the head of the organization. It was precisely the GAAT foundation that gave the news of the death of its director. “Thank you for every moment that you allowed us to build collectively, for your teachings and for all your unconditional support,” GAAT said on his Twitter account. (“I was pushed out of the closet”: Laura Weinstein)

On December 31, Weinstein told her Twitter followers that she was hospitalized for respiratory difficulties and that she was awaiting the result of a Covid test. “This not being able to breathe is something I would never wish on anyone”Weinstein added on the social network.

Weinstein led several struggles for the rights of trans people from the GAAT, including the trans vote, the implementation of LGBTI public policy and the rejection of transfeminicides that have not even been reduced with the pandemic generated by the coronavirus. The GAAT Foundation, independently, undertook the task of keeping the figures of these femicides, since the official counts are under-registered. In addition, Weinstein was characterized by supporting trans women who practice sex work, to improve their living conditions.

From the GAAT he also led the support group in which trans people, children and adults, as well as their families, they attended to talk and receive advice on their transits and their rights. A process that saved lives and that became a space free of prejudice and resistance to discrimination. She herself recognized that her childhood had not been happy and that is why she also worked to support trans childhood to be lived fully and without family rejections. “When a trans person manages that his family and his support networks accompany him in this process, his life is different. She has 90 percent of her life insured, the remaining 10 percent is provided by her, “Weinsten added in an interview with Sentiido.

Laura Weinstein, who grew up in a Jewish family, always defended the right to gender identity and that each person came out when they considered they were ready or ready. “They shoved me out of the closet. I did not have time to think how to express it, but I do believe it was an open truth, but that nobody dared to ask. I consider that it is an insult that they do not recognize my identity ”, assured Weinstein in an interview for the Unclóset section of The viewer.

In one of his most recent struggles, he demanded the implementation of the LGBTI public policy in Colombia, which was issued in 2018 by the government of Juan Manuel Santos by mandate of the Constitutional Court, but which has not yet been implemented in the administration of President Iván Duke. Therefore, on June 10, Laura Weinstein filed a tutela action against the Ministry of the Interior, to respond and implement LGBTI public policies.

A Bogotá judge agreed with him and ordered the Minister of the Interior and the Director of Human Rights to initiate administrative procedures to regulate the Technical Group and to formulate and approve the Public Policy Action Plan. In addition, he ordered them to draw up a work program and schedule with clear dates. The implementation of this policy is key to improving the quality of life of LGBTI people in the country and prevent cases of violence.

After the news of his death was known, leaders and human rights defenders lamented the fact and recalled Weinstein’s struggles and achievements as an activist.
