Latin America divided over Joe Biden’s triumph as president of the United States


(CNN Spanish) –– When the victory of Democrat Joe Biden and his vice-presidential formula was known, Kamala Harris, leaders and political figures around the world reacted to the news. However, in Latin America, while several heads of state congratulated the president-elect of the United States, others have not yet spoken.

Here are some reactions.


The president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, congratulated “the American people for the record of participation in the elections, a clear expression of the popular will.”


The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, who has supported Donald Trump in his policies and opinions on multiple occasions, has not ruled on the victory of Joe Biden – ergo, on the defeat of Trump.

What role will Trump and Bolsonaro play in Venezuela?

Bolsonaro and Trump in March 2019.

LEEWARD: The world reacts to the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the US elections.


Sebastián Piñera, president of Chile, extended his congratulations and said that his country and the United States share “values ​​such as freedom, the defense of human rights and challenges such as peace and the protection of the environment.”


The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, wished Biden and Harris “the best successes in their management.”

And he added: “We will work together to strengthen the common agenda in trade, environment, security and the fight against transnational crime.”

Costa Rica

Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado also shared his congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. “We celebrate the high turnout in the electoral process, as well as the ties of friendship that unite us with the American people,” he said.


Lenín Moreno, President of Ecuador, congratulated the Democratic winners and wished them “success in their duties.”

The Savior

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele also sent his congratulations to US President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris.


The Guatemalan government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, congratulated the United States on its electoral process this Saturday and Joe Biden as president-elect.

In the statement, the Government added that “it already expresses its greatest wishes for a successful management and reiterates its willingness to continue with the joint work between the two governments.”

President Alejandro Giammattei wrote on Twitter: “I congratulate the people of the United States for the demonstration of democracy.”


Juan Orlando Hernández, the president of Honduras, congratulated Biden “on a triumph that strengthens US democracy.”



Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made a carefully worded statement on the US election in which he did not address President-elect Joe Biden as the winner and instead said he needed to wait until legal challenges to the recount were concluded. votes.

“With regard to the elections in the United States, we are going to wait for all the legal issues to be resolved. We do not want to be reckless, we do not want to act lightly, we want to be respectful of the self-determination of the peoples and respectful of the rights of others. We want to wait for the issue of the election in the United States to be legally resolved, ”López Obrador said on state television on Saturday.

He added: “President Trump has been very respectful to us and we have reached very good agreements. We thank you because you have not been an interventionist and you have respected us. And with candidate Biden the same. I have known him for more than 10 years ».

Some former Mexican presidents did congratulate Biden and Harris.

It was the case of Vicente Fox, who wrote: «Welcome Mr. President Biden. Now greatness will return to that great nation! “

And of former President Felipe Calderón who said that Biden “is an honest, responsible and knowledgeable man about Mexico, good news for us.”


The president of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, extended his congratulations to Biden and congratulated Harris “as the first female vice president of the United States of America.”


The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, posted on Twitter that together with Biden “we will work to strengthen relations between our countries for the good of our people.”


The questioned President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, congratulated “the American people for the presidential elections” and President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris.

He also wrote on Twitter that his country “will always be open to dialogue and understanding with the people and government of the USA.”

For his part, Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela by more than 50 countries, congratulated the winners and said: “Together we will work to ensure the restoration of democracy, freedom and human rights for the people of Venezuela.”
