latest news today March 5 of new cases and deaths


With those who died from COVID-19 today, Colombia reached a total of 60,300 dead people since the pandemic began, today the day before the first year of confirming the arrival of the disease in the country.

The 23,855 PCR samples and 17,135 antigen samples also confirmed that the country exceeds 2,269,582 confirmed cases, although the number of assets fell to 33,950, thanks to the 2,168,149 people recovered.

This is the comparison of the day with the previous one:

CASES 3,371 3,565
DEATHS 111 107
RECOVERED 3,711 3,883
TESTS 40,990 45,301
ACTIVE CASES 33,950 34,426

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, March 5:

Bogotá continues to be the area in the country most affected in daily cases with 709. Later, Antioquia continues to appear with 786 new patients and Valle, with 293.

Barranquilla (181), Cundinamarca (173), Atlántico and Santa Marta (168 each), Córdoba (162), Magdalena (146) and Santander (116) were also reported on the list.

And below one hundred cases are most of the regions like this: Boyacá (96), Risaralda (61), Quindío (60), Sucre (58), Cartagena (56), Norte de Santander (46), Nariño (45 ), Caldas and Huila (41), Amazonas (40), Cesar (35), Tolima (34), La Guajira (29), Casanare (25), Cauca (23), Bolívar (18), Arauca (10), Putumayo (7), Guaviare (4), Chocó (3) and Caquetá (2).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, March 5:

The death toll from the disease stood at 111; 92 of those victims belong to days before this Friday, and the report keeps appearing patients who lost the fight in other months like this:

  • October: one deceased.
  • January: 3 deaths.
  • February: 7 deaths.
  • March: 100 deaths.

Equally, the regions that registered the deaths were:

  • 20: Bogota
  • 13: Antioquia
  • 12: Santander
  • 10: Valley
  • 7: Cundinamarca
  • 6: Boyacá
  • 5: Barranquilla, Magdalena and Santa Marta
  • 4: Cesar and Córdoba
  • 3: Atlantic
  • 2: Amazonas, Caquetá, Cauca and Norte de Santander
  • 1: Bolívar, Caldas, Cartagena, Nariño, Putumayo, Quindío, Risaralda, Sucre and Tolima

The youngest person to die in this report was a baby of just 2 years old in La Jagüa de Ibirico (Cesar) without comorbidities and the oldest was a 94-year-old man in San Onofre who suffered from hypertension.

In that sense, by age, the victims are:

AGE Victims
0 to 9 years a person
10 to 19 years anyone
20 to 29 years a person
30 to 39 years 2 people
40 to 49 years 6 persons
50 to 59 years 15 people
60 to 69 years 25 persons
70 to 79 years 39 people
80 to 89 years 19 persons
More than 90 years 3 people

This is the updated bulletin of coronavirus cases in Colombia today and its distribution in each department:
