Labor reform in Colombia: layoffs in companies


One of the points contemplated in the document is to facilitate layoffs in Colombia and lower costs so that employers can carry out the process when necessary.

The idea of ​​the Government is that the dismissal process is simplified and the costs of the procedures are greatly reduced.

“They also propose that there be a reduction in these values ​​when companies are forced to close their doors, through a strengthening of the tools that the insolvency law already includes,” details the newspaper Portafolio, which had access to the draft of the document of more than 250 pages of the National Council of Economic and Fiscal Policy (Conpes).

That same medium states that these changes are part of a set of measures for companies that would be a first approach to the labor reform that is coming in Colombia. Another of the modifications has to do with eliminating the exemptions that exist in the country by sectors, lower the tax letter for some organizations and unify tax forms, among others.

Another measure, which will surely generate controversy, has to do with eliminating labor costs that do not constitute salary, such as contributions in health and parafiscals that finance the compensation funds, the ICBF and the Sena.

The director of the National Planning Department, Luis Alberto Rodríguez, referred to the changes that are coming in Colombia, who assures that the document has three main parts and is aimed at the country’s economic reactivation.

In what has to do with parafiscals, Rodríguez explains that there is no proposal in the sense of ending them, rather, it seeks to analyze the impacts of these non-salary costs.

In addition, with regard to the dismissal of workers, the director of Planning pointed out on Blu Radio that it is about diagnoses around the labor market, but there is no proposal

“It would be absurd to propose such measures for a Conpes, there is no decision,” says Rodríguez, thereby dismissing what was published by Portafolio.

“It is a document that is still in draft, which has some things that will surely need to be adjusted in writing,” said the director of the DNP.
