Kika Nieto announces his retirement from YouTube and social networks


Erika Nieto, known as Kika Nieto, during the week he had in expectation his more than 4 million Instagram followers, since he had announced on his social networks that the April 30 would give a news in a YouTube video.

Although many of his fans thought many things, few imagined the decision that would be announced with an 11-minute video titled: “Thanks for everything.”

“I made this decision a few months ago, specifically in January, when I had some ugly days,” Nieto explained, while affirming that he was prevented from doing it before by some commitments.

According to him, this news is not something he decided “lightly”, Well, I had long thought of doing it for various things that he has been feeling on social networks, which is clear that just as they have generated good things for him, he has many things that if they do not know how to drive can affect too much.

“I don’t know how long I am leaving, but I promised myself not to return until I am convinced that my security and inner peace does not depend at all on the definition, perception or comments that people have of me,” she said.

For Kika Nieto it is important at this time to seek the “tranquility and inner peace” that he has left because of “so much excessive hatred on social networks”.

This news has kept the influencer for hours trending on TwitterWell, although several of his followers have dedicated messages of thanks, sadness and good wishes for his life, there are many Internet users who they question this decision and they compare it with what happened months ago with PauTips, who also made a video like that and then retracted it.

Also different memes have taken over this social network and several comments that remind words ever spoken by her and that they have offended several people.

These are some of the tweets:

Here’s the full video of the influencer:

See also:

Photo: Instagram

Photo: YouTube capture
