Julia Miranda will no longer be director of National Parks, Minister of Environment


Surprise and discomfort generated the request for resignation made by the recently appointed Minister of Environment, Carlos Correa, to the director of National Parks of Colombia, Julia Miranda.

Her departure has generated the rejection of a part of the country’s environmental sector that classifies her as one of the best officials of the National Environmental System. According to what transpired, the request for resignation obeys, according to Miranda herself told El Tiempo, what the Minister wants to carry out. changes. Faced with the decision, the expressions of support and gratitude for the work carried out by the official did not wait.

The ministry indicated, meanwhile, that Miranda’s departure was due to the fact that “the directors of the entities and institutes attached to the ministry submitted their resignation and that of Julia Miranda was accepted.”

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Miranda had been serving as director of the entity since 2004 and has worked on different fronts in the conservation of biodiversity, including the expansion of the National System of Protected Areas of Colombia, of which the country already has five on the Green list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
