Julia Miranda talks about her departure after 16 years in National Parks – Environment – Life


THE TIME spoke with Julia Miranda after learning that the Minister of the Environment, Carlos Eduardo Correa, accepted the formal resignation made by all the officials upon arrival.

Context: Minambiente requests resignation of director of National Natural Parks

In addition, he assured that he did not want to leave the institution he has directed for the last 16 years and spoke of the challenges faced by the new director appointed this Tuesday, Orlando molano, former director of the District Institute of Recreation and Sports (IDRD) of Bogotá during the government of Enrique Peñalosa.

What happened? Where does this decision of the minister come from?

I found out yesterday (Tuesday). I understand the minister’s decision as part of what happens in the public service, one always knows that he is passing through. I, like everyone else, presented my formal resignation when he arrived, and we were working since he arrived, but he informed me yesterday that he wanted to accept it, that he wanted to make changes in National Parks to advance his management and I understand it perfectly.

About: Orlando Molano, former director of the IDRD, would be the director of Parks

What are the challenges for this new Parks director?

I wish you all the best and that you enjoy and commit 100 percent. Time is short for working in parks. The great challenge is to continue declaring the protected areas that are needed and there are 5 areas in that process.

We have also achieved control of the territory as in the park Tayrona, of having recovered properties that belong to the Nation, and it is a task that must continue, but in coordination with other institutions such as the National Land Agency, among others.

As well: Uribe’s criticism of Julia Miranda at the time

Another great challenge is to achieve governability in the territories, the threats posed by park rangers, which, although it does not depend on Parks, but on the Public Force, Parks does have an important role.

It is also a challenge to budget, because although it has increased a lot since I arrived in 2004, there is still a long way to go. There is a project that must be carried out and it is the carbon tax, because I could not see that money.

There is a concern in the sector and that is that with its departure, tourism in Parks will increase, there is fear of what may happen with Tayrona Park, with mining in parks and the extraction of protected areas …

We must tell people that Colombia made a very important legal and political vote for the protection of its parks. There is a legal constitutional prohibition and multiple jurisprudence of the Courts to protect the parks. That is why mining cannot be done in parks and areas cannot be extracted.

It is also worth remembering the last ruling of the Council of State on the project of the Tayrona Park, of the favorable ruling of the claims to conserve the park and put the protection of the tropical dry forest above and how the plaintiffs who claimed the right to build a hotel on their premises were not recognized. That ruling marks an important jurisprudence and precedent, so I hope that does not happen.


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