Juan Carlos Osorio: statements after the defeat of Nacional with Patriotas – Colombian Soccer – Sports


National Athletic suffered a hard defeat against colero Patriots on date 16 of the 2020 Colombian League. The purslanes leave Tunja with another result that calls into question the work of Juan Carlos Osorio, who at the end of the game, congratulated his rival, but insists that he improved in his game idea.

“First I want to clarify that I showed up for the press conference and to my surprise, the local team coach was starting. I want to publicly congratulate Patriotas, they played a great game, they deservedly won and from us, I deeply regret the injury of Jorge (Segura) and Geisson (Perea), the game is being hard on us, we have to be resilient, face and start win the games, “he said.

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Osorio responded about the absence of Daniel Muñoz and that this has resulted in a poor performance in the game of his team.

“On the subject Daniel (Muñoz) I already spoke, is crying over the spilled milk and in his short time at the club, he gave us a great hand, he came as a side in defense of four and left as a central defender in a line of three and even inside, scoring eight goals in 28 games. We wish you the best and we find in Helibelton (Palacios) several of its functions except in reaching a goal. We want to keep looking for more offensive weight, to be the team that scores the most goals. Déinner (Quiñones) and Estéfano (Arango) generated many options and I think that later on they will contribute a lot to the team ”.

In addition, “I consider that the low level of some players (if any) may be because they have not had the opportunity to play and add minutes and have continuity. We defend an idea of ​​the game and we are going to give that idea and not continuity to a starting eleven “.

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The coach defended his game proposal and will continue with it despite the poor results. “Our football idea in development in the middle third and offensive third is not only from Nacional, but from the great teams. In this game we got very good passing sequences and I think we competed very well, we had three very good options, but we lacked efficiency, I have no qualms that the team competed very well. We show urgency when we are below the result, in Nacional and in other teams they show them when we have nothing to lose, that worries me a lot, but beyond that, we see it in other sports ”.

Although he acknowledged the lack of efficiency in his leadership, the strategist left happy with how his team is playing. “In this game we compete very well, when you lose, you analyze the result, but you have to focus on the game. We generate three football options elaborated in the first half. We did not lack efficiency, we lacked efficiency. But it is an evil of the Colombian player, little is reached the goal, very little is marked and I see that it is something of training, we need to have more of the ball ”.

Regarding the defensive system unbalanced by the offensive idea, Osorio explained that “this team is not designed to go back and go down to recover the ball, the possession in this game was higher than 60 percent, effective on the opposite goal. It seems to me that Jarlan (Barrera) had a great game, he did not lose the ball, he tried to play with filtered passes to the front, (Andrés) Andrade also did very well when he entered, Estéfano (Arango) was close to the goal, Déinner (Quiñones) returned to the team and contributed. We believe in them, we will continue working on this idea of ​​the game, which is difficult, not only in Colombia but in South America, where everything is measured by the continuity of the coach, I believe in the team is a brave team, we will continue to insist on this idea, looking for in winning games. ”

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Finally, he spoke about this new defeat, but he is proactive thinking about future commitments for the League and the South American Cup. “I understand that the result overwhelms, that the result hurts, but we must analyze the development of the game, in the effective possession of the ball and the chances of scoring, we improved a lot. One thing is the structure of the game and another is the idea, the idea has never been betrayed and it has been innovated to be able to play now. Before it was not necessary to have more than one man to recover, now he plays with two and even three. We will continue looking for a way to consolidate this game idea ”.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano
FUTBOLRED correspondent
On twitter: @ juanchoserran8

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