Journalist Carlos Orduz talks about his accident on ESPN Colombia


ESPN Colombia viewers were concerned after seeing that journalist Carlos Orduz fell on his back a giant screen from the studio where the ESPN Radio Colombia program was being broadcast. Minutes after the fact, It turned out that the panelist was in good health, but he himself already confirmed it publicly.

For obvious reasons, the show was canceled seconds after the accident. Orduz’s colleagues such as Iván René Valenciano and Rafael Sanabria ran to help the journalist, while the leader of the debate, Francisco ‘Pacho’ Vélez, sent to a pause.

Colleagues and viewers sympathized with Orduz and sent massive expressions of support to his Twitter account. An hour after what happened, the journalist spoke about it and thanked the people who cared about him.

“I want to tell you that I am fine. They already checked me. Absolutely nothing happened apart from the scare. Much tranquility. I thank you for your solidarity and all the messages. I want to tell them that I’m fine, “Orduz said in a video that was replicated by all his teammates on ESPN.

Here are the words of the sports journalist about the accident of which he was a victim:
