José Félix Lafaurie attacked “the mamertería” for the ‘Day without meat’



Comments for and against generated the announcement of the ‘Day without meat’ in the capital of the country, one of the 40 strategies that are part of ten mandates approved in the second debate by the Bogotá Council, which declared a state of climate emergency in the city in order to establish specific objectives that aim to mitigate and adapt to this environmental phenomenon.

This part of the project, which is only awaiting the signature of Mayor Claudia López, drew attention because part of the public interpreted that the ‘Day without meat’ would be mandatory, something like the day of the ‘Day without a car’ that takes place on the first Thursday of February of each year.

One of the voices that has come out against is that of the president of the National Federation of Cattlemen (Fedegan), Jose Felix Lafaurie, who attacked the measure through their social networks, criticizing the sectors and banks of the Bogotá Council that gave their support to this package of measures, which he described as “crap”.

This Tuesday, Fedegan’s head has been very active on his Twitter account, where he attacked councilor Andrea Padilla for the way he expressed himself during a debate in Semana.


Minutes later, Padilla responded to Lafaurie with a video of the moment, maintaining his position on what was said.

“And here the” restraint “repeats it,” he added.

andrea padilla answer fedegan

Lafaurie also pointed to the left of promoting the ‘Day without meat’ in Bogotá through a video that he shared on his social networks.

“That the mamertería and the left do not believe that they are going to scare us”added the president of Fedegan.

He also stated that “The theory that livestock is the great cause of climate change was demolished during the pandemic. Livestock activities have not stopped, but vehicles and some industries have stopped and nature has a relief ”.

Along with the video, Lafaurie accompanied the message with the hashtag #UnDiaSinClaudiaLopez.

Likewise, through its social networks, the Colombian Federation of Cattlemen took advantage of and attacked the president by reminding her of an old trill she wrote in 2015.

In the publication, López wrote the following: “We made a“ technical ”stop to recharge energy at“ Carne a la Llanera ”Puente Aranda Thank you Andrés for your attention!”, Accompanied by a photo on the spot.

Following the recent remarks, Fedegan quoted the tweet.

“The mayor of Bogotá @ClaudiaLopez can not resist a delicious piece of beef, especially if she is llanera.”

Photo: @Fedegan
Photo: @Fedegan

On the other hand, given the uncertainty, Susana Muhamad, former Secretary of the Environment of Bogotá and today a councilor, who presented the project, clarified that on the ‘Meatless Day’ it will not be mandatory to stop eating itInstead, it will be a day of teaching and promoting other foods rich in protein. This was explained in an interview for Blu Radio.

“There was a communication failure on our part having called it that because it can be confused with the day without a car, which is mandatory. The meatless day is going to be a day where the alternative of what it means that on some days of the week meat is not consumed is promoted, to improve our environmental impact, but it is not mandatory, ”explained Muhammad.

The purpose of said day, according to the lobbyist, is not for the capital population to become vegan, “nor for the consumption of animal protein to be ruled out.” For her, the problem is not what people eat, but the way it is produced: in the case of livestock, its contribution to greenhouse gases.

On the ‘Day without meat’, José Félix Lafaurie, executive president of Fedegan, said on Twitter that it is nothing but “stupid” of the “progressive” and “alternative” governments.


“It is not sustainable for the entire world population to make meat the basis of their diet (…). Meatless Day will be a pedagogical bet to publicize what nutritional alternatives to animal protein there are. It is to promote the consumption of vegetables and cereals, even for health reasons, “said the councilor.

Among the strategies that Bogotá will use to mitigate and adapt to climate change, Susana Muhamad highlights the possibility of producing quinoa and amaranth, which, in addition to being nutritionally rich, are species native to the city.

An unprecedented event in Bogotá

from a water reservoir on February 25, 2020, at the Montecarlo farm, near the Chingaza National Natural Park in the municipality of Guasca (Colombia).  EFE / Camilo García / Archive
from a water reservoir on February 25, 2020, at the Montecarlo farm, near the Chingaza National Natural Park in the municipality of Guasca (Colombia). EFE / Camilo García / Archive

In a movement with no precedent in the recent history of the council, on November 9, the initiative presented by the Councilor Susana Muhamad, of the Human Colombia movement, which seeks to build a legal tool that allows the city to face the global warming crisis in the short and medium term.

The agreement, made up of 11 articles and 10 mandates for its implementation by the District Administration, was approved with 34 votes in favor in the plenary session of the corporation. According to Muhamad, the climate emergency is necessary for the reduction of greenhouse gases, protection of water resources, bio-food security and the transition to renewable energies in the capital of the republic.

Aware of the optimal processing of the articles, Mayor Claudia López stated on Twitter that what was done by the council consists of “In a historic decision, Bogotá is the first city in Latin America to recognize and declare a climate emergency through a shared decision of the Council and the Mayor’s Office”, and I add, “we give ourselves 10 clear mandates to transform ourselves and face the consequences of climate change “.

The initiative, which awaits the sanction of López, coincides with the global public discussion on renewable energy and alternative uses of water resources that it assumes will lead the administration of the elected president Joe Biden in the United States. Retail, what is approved by the council has 11 articles, in which 10 mandates and 40 strategies are established that this administration and the next two must follow with the objective of mitigating the impact of climate change as well as generating environmental awareness among citizens.

Mayor of Bogotá Claudia López.  EFE / Carlos Ortega / Archive
Mayor of Bogotá Claudia López. EFE / Carlos Ortega / Archive

These mandates to which López will adhere are: land use planning around water and socio-ecosystems; protection of the main ecological structure and biodiversity, promotion of food sovereignty and security. The agreement also contemplates the energy transition and reduction of greenhouse gases; prevention and care for health risks in climate change; comprehensive waste management with social inclusion for the climate crisis; solidarity economy; education and participation for a new environmental ethics, scientific innovation and ecourbanism.

In other specific actions, Muhamad highlighted that since 2022 the integrated public transport system has prohibited the purchase of vehicles that use fossil fuels; as well as him The council will demand from the operators a strategic plan with a view to mitigating the carbon footprint of vehicles in 2021. There will also be special attention to the use and management of soil and water in the Chingaza sector and the planning and execution of an alternate route for waste management in Doña Juana, the landfill that receives more than 100 tons of waste per day from the city.

Among the civic measures, the “meatless day“, With the intention of raising awareness about healthy eating and focusing on healthy practices around animal rights. The emergency call had the support of the mayor and the staff of the district secretariats. For Muhamad, in his first term as councilor, the realistic part of the agreement is yet to come: “The City Council and citizens today fulfilled the generation that was already born in this century, the children and young people who know that if we do not act in these 10 years, there will be no future for them”.

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