Johnson & Johnson prepares to resume study of its vaccine being tested in Santander


According to the company, after a thorough evaluation of the patient’s medical case, no clear cause was identified and many factors could be responsible for the volunteer’s illness.

“Based on information collected to date and input from independent experts, the Company has found no evidence that the candidate vaccine caused the event,” stated Johnson & Johnson.

It may interest you: The 26 participants in the study of the COVID-19 vaccine in Santander have not presented serious diseases

The multinational company affirmed that the independent Data Security and Monitoring Board that supervised the case recommended resuming the clinical trial, which is why they are making the necessary preparations and collecting the relevant approvals to continue with the analysis of the efficacy of their vaccine against covid-19.

“At Johnson & Johnson, there is no higher priority than the health and safety of the people we serve every day around the world. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety, well-being and privacy of the participants and everyone involved in our trials, ”the statement read.

Johnson recalled that both his pharmacist Janssen and the patients do not know if they received the vaccine or the placebo and assured that the full results of safety and efficacy will be released at the end of the vaccine study when there is a complete evaluation of the vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine then advances in its studies with 60,000 patients in various countries around the world, including Colombia.

In Santander, the first doses were applied to about 30 people, at the Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia. None of the citizens who participated in the study in the department had serious illnesses.

At the moment the date on which the studies would resume in Santander is unknown. About 13 thousand people are expected to participate in this phase of the vaccine, which, for now, is suspended.
