Jessica Cediel: “Success is being a good human being”


Starting this Saturday, December 5, she presents “Happy Bingos”, a section of “Happy Saturdays”, from Caracol Televisión.

How does the year end for Jessica Cediel?

For me everything is the same. The important thing is that I am well, I am healthy and my family is well too. I am calm, with days of a lot of learning, a lot of study, a lot of prayer and a lot of work.

What stands out among the learnings this year?

The quality of time. I think that this pandemic taught that we have to give priority to what really deserves it, and sometimes like we get carried away by other occupations. But when one knows that he needs to have God and health, the rest is a complement. There is no money or success that buys health, so for me that is my priority.

What does success mean to you?

Success for me is being a good human being. Success is subjective, what for me it means and represents maybe not for another, so it is something that cannot be generalized. For me, success is that each one, as a person, can be fulfilled and feels full emotionally and in the family. Each one has different goals, but I think that being alive is a success, at least for me, because this year I had a very strong battle.

How was this year work?

It was very strange, because on television there were very large projects in the United States, but they had to be postponed or canceled due to the coronavirus. At the beginning of the year I shot a movie in Colombia, supposedly we were going to release it in September, but I am happy because I close the year with Caracol Televisión presenting Happy Bingos of Happy Saturdays, which I think brings entertainment to the Colombian family, in a program so iconic, and to deliver money, that I think no one likes it. I also have my family business, with my sisters, and due to the pandemic we have not been able to start with the sale of products, but we hope to start with this project in January.

How was the return to Caracol Televisión forged?

Caracol has always been my home in Colombia, regardless of whether I am working with Telemundo in the United States; I am freelance on both channels, but both are my home. The schedules were not crossed and I was able to make the return to Caracol. I am very happy to work on Happy Saturdays because it is a program that I watched as a little girl with my whole family. And now, being part of the cast, although I’m far away, because Happy Bingos is a new format, it seems like the best.

What is “happy bingo” all about?

Happy Bingos arrives to bring joy and also many prizes to the Colombian family. The first step is that people have to enter to choose their triple and, when they already have the numbers and combinations, the page generates a code with which they have to go to a physical payment point, and thus they can participate at the bingo halls every Saturday. At 7:30 at night the first three bingo games begin to play, the first for $ 3 million, the second for $ 4 and the third for $ 5 million, and that is played via streaming. Then, on the Happy Saturdays show, jackpots of $ 20, $ 30 and $ 100 million are played. The latter are the ones that I present.

What projects do you have for 2021?

This year ends very well because I am still alive and for me that is the most important thing. I am grateful, because it was a year of much learning and I am a survivor of COVIC-19, I already fought it and everyone in my family moved forward. For the next year I have the priority of my company, I have a very large project with Telemundo and several film proposals. Everything is on hiatus, but there are many very nice things coming.
