Home/ Entertainment / Jessi Uribe painted her hair blonde.
Jessi Uribe painted her hair blonde.
This was how the singer saw him in his Instagram stories. “Who at this time around here?” Wrote the interpreter of “Sweet Sin” next to the photo in his new style. A few days ago, he had surprised his followers with a very different cut than what has been commonly known.
In other posts Jessi showed some comments that came to him and most received messages of support from his parte fans ’, however, there were some who told him that they preferred the way he looked before.
The singer explained that this new look is only temporary and that he will soon have his hair the color of always and more abundant than it has been known in these years. He clarified that these changes are due a little to the free time he has and the way he carries it.
The artist passes this isolation in Medellín with his current partner, also a popular music singer, Paola Jara. Both have been very active in social networks during these weeks sharing with people their daily lives.
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