Ivanka Trump seeks a new beginning after the elections – US and Canada – International


After the outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump, made the traditional annual pardon to a turkey official on Tuesday before what will be his last Thanksgiving dinner as president, this Thursday, tensions are not only lived out of doors for outside the White House.

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As revealed by the newspaper The New York Times, officials in the city of Bedminster, New Jersey, are already making plans for a possible future of the Trump Kushner family there, with an addition to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s “cabin” on the grounds of Trump National Golf Club which includes four new pickleball courts, a relocated helipad, and a spa and yoga complex.

Donald Trump’s eldest daughter and her husband are looking for a new base for their family, although many observers agree that the most ideal scenario would not be to return to New York.

When Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner took their first jobs at the White House in 2017, they claimed that they would be a moderate voice in the west wing of the White House and among his plans was to return to New York eight years later.

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Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

In the most important events of Donald Trump, it was usual to see him in the company of Jared Kushner, husband of Ivanka Trump, his daughter.


Remo Casilli / Reuters

But nevertheless, this situation was shortened to four, after Donald Trump lost re-election to Democrat Joe Biden, And with an unceremonious ending and a significantly worse public image than when they first started, the couple are likely to plan their new life with some distance from Washington.

“In a strange way, they will even have a harder time than Trump himself in New York,” Donny Deutsch, a Manhattan brand management mogul and critic of Donald Trump, told local television.

Therefore, inside the deck also It is presumed that Florida could be another option, precisely where President Trump is renovating his property, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, according to the US newspaper.

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In a strange way, they will even have it harder than Trump himself in New York.

The couple, who married in 2009, hope to find new possibilities after the end of the presidency. From a business standpoint, Ivanka Trump and Kushner have several options, given the Kushner family’s money.

Two people who know the couple told New York weatheryes, that Ivanka It could resurrect its jewelry and clothing brands, refocused on its new conservative fans, but two more say that line would not sell.

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For his part, in his remarks, Deutsch said that Kushner is likely to get into the “real estate business.” “If he’s doing something with Trump’s name, he can monetize it in red areas.” Although no one rules out politics for Ivanka Trump, neither as a candidate nor as a political adviser.

“If I’m trying to keep my Senate seat or I’m running in the gubernatorial election in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, I don’t just want President Trump, I want all the Trumps there,” Sam Nunberg, a senior adviser to the US, said in public statements. Trump campaign.

Trump family

Ivanka married Jared, after converting to Judaism.


Instagram: ivankatrump

The Trumps’ Contested School Life in Washington

For the past four years, as reported The New York Times, one of the heated divisions the couple has faced is the enrollment of their two oldest children in private elementary school, often the children of public officials and diplomats, those ridiculed by Donald Trump as the “deep state.”

Added to this was a lifestyle contrary to the unspoken rule of this school world which establishes that widely recognized parents avoid breaking into the life of the school. However, the Trumps used to take advantage of school events to occupy the front rows and greet supporters of the current administration.

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Tension has increased in recent months due to the few preventive protocols to mitigate the spread of covid-19 used by the Trumps in public events. Even, according to the newspaper, the school administrators approached the family to talk about the possible exposure of the students to the virus, since one of their children attended classes in person.

Thus, the family withdrew from school on October 19 and enrolled in another Jewish elementary school in the Washington suburb of Rockville, Maryland.

Now, it remains to be seen if they decide to return to their life in New York or if they opt for a more distant and reserved option from public and political life.

With information from La Nación, Argentina (GDA)


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