Iván Márquez, Santrich, El Paisa and Romaña are in Venezuela with Maduro’s permission: they reveal images of the camp and their movements


The government of Iván Duque already has images of the guerrillas in their settlements.  In the photo: El Paisa, Santrich, Romaña and Iván Márquez.  Photos: Colprensa
The government of Iván Duque already has images of the guerrillas in their settlements. In the photo: El Paisa, Santrich, Romaña and Iván Márquez. Photos: Colprensa

For international justice, it is not a secret that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) had close relations with the Maduro regime in Venezuela, before the peace accords in Havana. Luciano Marín Arango, alias ‘Iván Márquez’, Y Seuxis Paucis Hernández Solarte, alias Jesús Santrich, share, with visible heads of the Venezuelan regime, an indictment issued by the court of the Southern District of New York.

According to the document, the parties would be implicated in the crimes of conspiracy for narco-terrorism, conspiracy to import cocaine into the United States, possession of machine guns and destructive devices, and conspiracy for possession of machine guns and destructive devices.

Document of imputation of charges to Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich.  Capture: Department of Justice, compiled by Infobae
Document of imputation of charges to Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich. Capture: Department of Justice, compiled by Infobae

According to the evidence presented by the American justice, The Cartel de los Soles, a criminal group dedicated to drug trafficking allegedly led by the regime’s military, worked hand in hand with the FARC since 1999. The document indicates that the former, headed by high commanders of the Venezuelan government, provided military weapons to the members of the Farc, and coordinated international relations with Honduras and other countries to facilitate large-scale trafficking.

After the Peace Process, the guerrillas created a call “Second Marquetalia” and, according to the research outlet InSight Crime, the men take refuge in the border territories between Colombia and Venezuela. In the first video published by the dissident group, on August 29, 2019, dangerous and crucial members of the extinct guerrilla were present: Márquez and Santrich along with Hernán Darío Velásquez, alias’ El Paisa ‘and Henry Castellanos Garzón, alias’ Romagna ‘.

However, until this February 6, the facilities, personnel and elements that these guerrilla fugitives from justice have in their power were known. The Colombian magazine Semana revealed the government photographic archive that Venezuelan human sources helped to collect. In the images you can see the criminal leaders surrounded by security and facing their crimes in Venezuelan territory close to Colombia.

According to the media, there would be 36 structures that would accumulate 4,927 men at the service of the dissidents, according to figures from mid-2020. Therefore, the power of Márquez, Gentil Duarte and their allies may have grown in more than six months that have elapsed.

Among its assets are high-end pickup trucks with Venezuelan license plates, a light aircraft, long rifles, camps and a large deployment of personnel. According to the media, the aforementioned guerrillas would move through Venezuelan territory among civilians without any repercussions. He even added that Márquez lives in a condominium guarded by Nicolás Maduro’s men in the urban area of ​​the city of Elorza, a few kilometers from the department of Arauca.

Caravan in which Jesús Santrich is transported, heavily guarded by personnel from the Second Marquetalia.  Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana
Caravan in which Jesús Santrich is transported, heavily guarded by personnel from the Second Marquetalia. Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana

In the first image, you can see the staff accompanying the person who would be Jesús Santrich in a caravan. In the evidence, you can count up to ten people dressed in military clothing who, according to the media, would be there to protect the dissident who managed to escape from the Colombian prison system. In the black truck, people close to El Paisa who were heavily armed are transported.

Jesús Santrich entering the van with Venezuelan license plates.  Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana
Jesús Santrich entering the van with Venezuelan license plates. Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana

In another photo released by Semana, the leader of the dissidents can be seen with his characteristic sunglasses entering a truck. At the moment, he can be seen accompanied by at least three uniformed men. The media claims that Santrich built the camps out of wood and that the areas are protected by plastic tents from the sun and rain.

The Cessna plane that would transport drugs for the Second Marquetalia.  Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana
The Cessna plane that would transport drugs for the Second Marquetalia. Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana

In addition, informants in the neighboring country found a Cessna propeller plane in which not only the ringleaders are mobilized, but also shipments of narcotics are moved. According to the media, the aircraft of the dissidents does not have any restrictions in the airspace of Venezuela. The landings and takeoffs would take place on at least ten clandestine runways, but Semana says the light aircraft has permission to land on any airlift.

The source in Venezuela also registered Romaña in meetings with people dressed in civilian clothes, and there would even be evidence of a conversation with a Mexican boss in which he was allegedly negotiating with reference to the drug trafficking business that the Second Marquetalia supports. The media stressed, among other things, that the guerrilla leader gained weight.

Alias ​​Romaña holding a conversation in Venezuelan territory.  Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana
Alias ​​Romaña holding a conversation in Venezuelan territory. Photo: Provided by a government source to Semana

In another moment, the moment in which Romaña was seated in front of a computer and an electronic device that cannot be detailed was captured. Among other things, there are lace boots different from the plastic ones they wore when they were settled in the jungle area of ​​Colombia.

Romaña in front of a computer.  Photo: Government Source a Semana
Romaña in front of a computer. Photo: Government Source a Semana

Members of the Second Marquetalia are even seen in an alleged staging in Venezuelan territory. In a large room, you can see four people – three men and a woman – with a calm appearance. In the photo, two of them are seated, a man is standing and carrying a long rifle, and the woman is leaning on a table that has a sound system. According to the media, the armed man would be Romaña’s head of security.

Photo: Government Source a Semana
Photo: Government Source a Semana

Among the photos, you can see the tent of one of the camps, which are still rudimentary, and with a construction of wooden materials and large canvases that protect the activities that take place inside.

Photo: Government Source a Semana
Photo: Government Source a Semana

Regarding the weapons, which according to the indictment of the Department of Justice is partly supplied by the Maduro regime, an image was registered in which an alleged El Paisa escort is seen with two long-range rifles in excellent condition. One of them is black and the other is of a camouflaged pattern to be able to carry out attacks in places with prominent vegetation. Dissidents have always stood out, within their video interventions, for having visible weapons that demonstrate the power of the insurgent group.

Photo: Government Source a Semana
Photo: Government Source a Semana

Where are the guerrilla leaders?

According to Semana, the members of the Second Marquetalia mobilize throughout the 2,219 kilometers of the border with Venezuela. However, the four leaders are in separate areas. Iván Márquez, who would be the most important file, is at his residence in the city of Elorza, in the state of Apure. According to the same publication, it is protected by the Venezuelan regime.

On the other hand, Santrich is located in the state of Zulia, bordering a part of its native Atlantic coast in the departments of Cesar and La Guajira. In its operations, it also has under its supervision the busy border area in Norte de Santander. According to the media, the fugitive heads the Insurgent Communication Network, the Bolivarian Radio Network Voice of the Resistance and the National Communications Commission.

Romaña would be in the state of Apure, in the limits of the department of Arauca and Vichada the central east of Colombia. The media affirms that the guerrilla constitutes a protection barrier for Márquez and directs the so-called Border Group Commission of the Second Marquetalia.

El Paisa, who is considered one of the bloodiest guerrillas in the history of the insurgent group, is recognized by intelligence men as the most dangerous member of the dissidence and would travel to a greater extent through Colombian territory. Semana revealed that satellite tracking records movements in Guainía, Guaviare, Caquetá, Huila and Meta, in the south of the country. Among the sites cited in the middle are Pato-Guayabal, San Juan de Losada, La Sombra, Yarí savannas, Camuya river, Bocas del Yarí, Itilla river, Caño Tigre camp, Raudal de Pilone, Maroa and Casiguaire. The last one is bordering territory with Venezuela.

These being the new leaders, the leader of the dissidence is Iván Márquez. He is followed by El Paisa, Jesús Santrich, José Vicente Lesmes, alias Walter Mendoza, Romaña, José Manuel Sierra Sabogal, alias El Zarco Aldinever, and Francisco Antonio Durango Úsuga, alias Ariel Quinto or La Frita.

In total, the troops of the dissident FARC, together, have covered the territory of 168 municipalities and, in total, it is 288,685 kilometers of Colombian territory.


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