Iván Márquez, El Paisa and Santrich reappear requesting the resignation of Iván Duque – Conflict and Drug Trafficking – Justice


The leaders of the former FARC guerrilla ‘Edinson Romaña’, ‘Óscar Montero’, ‘Aldinever Morantes’, ‘Walter Mendoza’, ‘Jesús Santrich’ and ‘Iván Márquez’, today members of the subversive group called ‘Segunda Marquetalia’, they reappeared this Monday.

(It may interest you: the US offers a US $ 10 million reward for Márquez and Santrich)

They did so by means of a joint statement issued on a web portal. In their statement, the guerrillas call for the resignation of Iván Duque from the Presidency of Colombia.

“This four-year term for Duque, on behalf of Uribe, is a curse that is damaging our future in the most irrational and absurd way,” they say in their statement. And they add: “When we get excited about the possibility of inaugurating a new era of peace, the Duque-Uribe government made the destruction of the most beautiful dream of Colombians the main objective of its strategy“.

In their message, which is accompanied by a photograph in which they are seen wearing uniforms with the initials ‘Farc-EP’ and carrying apparently sophisticated weapons, the guerrillas state different reasons why they consider that “Duque should leave the Presidency early. of the Republic”.

(Also read: The peace agreement is four years old: How is the process going?)

“He is an illegitimate president,” they wrote. For them, Duque “He was left with the highest office in the nation because he wants to generalize chaos by destroying the balance of powers by incurring disrespect and public questioning of decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice, because it wants to wipe out the social mobilizations that are shaking the country today, and because Colombia does not want the dictatorship (sic) “.

The foregoing in relation to the support that President Duque publicly expressed for Álvaro Uribe when the Supreme Court of Justice ordered the arrest of the former senator and former president for the case against him for allegedly buying witnesses. In addition, the ruling that recently issued that high court in relation to the right to social protest.

(Also: The controversial reappearance of ‘Santrich’ after nine months of his escape)

Márquez, former chief negotiator of the peace agreement, and company, who announced their rearmament in August 2019, point out that Colombia wants a government “truly democratic, inclusive, of the people and for the people.”

In his words, “a new government of democratic coalition, which guarantees complete peace without betrayals, land titling to peasants, political reform” (…), “a government with clean hands that begins to eradicate the cancer of corruption, that listens to students, women, indigenous people, blacks, the LGTBI population and other discriminated sectors, that restore health to the people and implement social shock measures aimed at freeing people from poverty. “

The guerrilla leaders made a call to “return to the streets with marches, sit-ins and cacerolazos to shout the disagreement of an entire people against the bad government.”

(Read also: The strategy to achieve the capture of bosses of ‘Second Marquetalia’)

They state that, in their opinion, it is time to demand “the end of repression”, as well as “constitutional respect for social protest” and “punishment for the high-ranking officials who determined the massacre of defenseless citizens in Bogotá on the 9th. of September”. They also rejected what they called the “extermination” of social leaders and former combatants.

And finally, they asked for “full clarification of the Ñeñepolítica’s plot”, the “revocation of all those corrupted by ill-gotten money” and “no more impunity for Álvaro Uribe.”

(It may interest you: Márquez will reappear with a book prefaced by Santrich)

At the moment, there are no known reactions to this reappearance by the signatories of the peace agreement, such as the Common Revolutionary Alternative Force (Farc Party), Humberto de la Calle or the former president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Juan Manuel Santos.

This pronouncement of the dissidents is known days after the commemoration of the four years since the signing of the peace agreement between the Government and the FARC guerrillas. In fact, in recent days, the first International Conference of the Peace Agreement was held in Colombia, the main conclusion of which was that, despite the difficulties, work must continue to comply with the agreement.

(In context: Keys to the ‘declaration of war’ by Márquez, el Paisa and Santrich)

It should also be remembered that this subversive group known as ‘Segunda Marquetalia’ announced from underground its return to arms in August 2019. At that time, through a video, the leaders announced “a new stage of armed struggle” .

