Iván Duque will look for a ‘vice’ woman before Marta Lucía Ramírez’s possible departure


“If the vice president chooses to participate in the electoral process, I will look for a female vice president to accompany me during the rest of my term,” said Iván Duque, in an interview with RCN News.

In this way, Duque speaks for the first time about the possibility that Ramírez leaves his position to aspire to the presidential candidacy of 2022. Position for which, he believes that she is more than qualified.

“Dr. Marta Lucía Ramírez is a person of great competence and she is a person who has a genuine patriotic feeling. If she decides to aspire to the presidency of the Republic, she will bring a great contribution to our democracy because of her spirit and her talent ”, added the leader.

Later, he stated that does not want to influence Ramírez’s possible decision about leaving the current position to seek the presidency for his bill.

“She must make that decision and I don’t want that decision to be pressured by me”, Indicated Duque, in that medium.

These are the statements of Iván Duque (from minute 5:26):

What are the women they sound for that position?

Several women who are or have been in Duque’s cabinet ring to get to the Vice Presidency.

Alicia Arango, former Minister of Labor and the Interior, could be, although being an ambassador to the UN in Geneva he lowers the volume, as highlighted by W Radio.

Another name is that of Ángela María Orozco, Minister of Transportation, one of the most prominent officials of the current government. In addition, Orozco is of conservative political origin, said that radio station.

María Paula Correa, head of Duque’s Cabinet has been recognized as a competent official to exercise the position, although does not have so many accumulated runs to assume a position like that of Marta Lucía Ramírez, added that station.
