Iván Duque will deport Venezuelans who commit crimes in Colombia


“We will always have zero tolerance with any criminal conduct or contrary to the law on the part of migrants in the national territory. Wherever we see that there is a person who is violating this principle of fraternity, which has been offered to them in Colombia, they will be deported immediately, “said the president, Ivan duque, during a security council in Montelíbano, Córdoba.

He also stated that controls at border crossings with Venezuela will be increasingly strict; This, taking into account the current situation in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are going to strengthen more and more controls at the border points; much more in this situation of COVID-19, because the pandemic has not gone away and we cannot let the life and health of any citizen be put at risk, ”Duque added at the event.

The president’s categorical message comes amid the arrival of thousands of migrants venezuelans. Foreigners are entering Colombia after the country’s mild economic recovery by overcoming the first wave of infections by coronavirus.

Even though the border crossings are closed, thousands of Venezuelans have continued to enter Colombia through illegal trails. This situation led the authorities of Norte de Santander to increase the presence of the National Police on several of these unauthorized roads to close them.

This is Iván Duque’s announcement:

Venezuelan criminals have whipped a sector of Bogota

As seen in a crude video, spread on social networks, several criminals of Venezuelan nationality they are recording their crimes to publish them and thus threaten to other people.

The criminals, identified as Venezuelan citizens by City TV, would be involved in violent fights for territorial control of micro-trafficking in the neighborhood The Amparo of the town of Kennedy (west of Bogotá).

This situation worries the inhabitants of that neighborhood in western Bogotá, who They are also clear that the criminals who hit that area They are from the neighboring country.

“There are a voice a voice heard in the streets. Foreigners arrived, foreign citizens with power; to intimidate, to terrorize to control the micro-trafficking pots ”, indicated a resident of the sector, in words compiled by that medium.
