Iván Duque remarked to the UN that “the Maduro regime is a constant threat to democracy in the region and throughout the world”


Iván Duque in his virtual speech for the United Nations Assembly.  Photo: Presidency of Colombia
Iván Duque in his virtual speech for the United Nations Assembly. Photo: Presidency of Colombia

Colombian President Iván Duque used a passage from his speech at the United Nations General Assembly to to denounce once again the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro, which he described as a “constant threat to democracy in the region and the world.” He also assured that the dictatorship “supports itself with money from drug trafficking” and that it “harbors terrorists.”.

In turn, Duque made reference to the parliamentary elections called by the regime for next December 6, and He called on “the nations of the world” to “raise their voices demanding truly free elections, and not the prefabricated orchestra to which they want to lead the Venezuelan people to perpetuate the dictatorship”.

In this way, Duke once again supported the position on the matter of the interim government of Juan Guaidó and the United States, which have emphatically rejected the possibility of standing in the elections, in contrast to that represented by Henrique Capriles, who has expressed the will to do so if certain concessions are made. The European Union, for its part, opened a door to send an electoral observation mission, but stressed that the elections should be postponed to allow enough time to prepare. The regime has refused to do so.

Throughout his locution, Duque also referred to the numerous assassinations of social leaders that have taken place in the country. And he assured that the peace process with the FARC remains firm.

With respect to social leaders, he said: “I want to take advantage of this space to honor the victims of violence in my country.” He also highlighted the “work of those who make the millions of efforts that are necessary every day, efforts that make social leaders a reality who build a more dignified and generous society and who, despite the difficulties, do not cease in their efforts. to build a country for all, “he said.

And he added: “We recognize that vocation to them and to all Colombians to build the future, to do so by healing wounds, but at the same time, so that fraternity, within the framework of a certain legality, makes us feel proud.”

The 75th UN General Assembly was held virtually due to restrictions imposed by the new coronavirus pandemic.
The 75th UN General Assembly was held virtually due to restrictions imposed by the new coronavirus pandemic.

About 1,000 social leaders have been assassinated in Colombia since the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC in November 2016, according to data from different organizations. 228 ex-guerrillas have also died. Violence has also increased in the poorest and most neglected regions of Colombia, where this year more than 50 massacres have been perpetrated with at least 246 victims, according to data from the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz).

Regarding the peace process, he said that “in Colombia there are no dilemmas between friends and enemies (of peace) and highlighted the support of the international community to move towards” a peace with legality, that is, a real peace. ““Multilateral tools have been key to the international community’s contribution to this purpose, especially in terms of repairing victims, strengthening rural development, and formalizing property in remote corners of our country.“, said.

In that sense, he thanked the work of the UN Verification Mission, “which is an exceptional witness to the great progress of our Government” in the implementation of the peace agreement. Duque reiterated before the General Assembly the threat posed by drug trafficking to the countries of the region and said that to combat it, “with energy and without hesitation,” “the joint action of all the States is needed, with a sense of co-responsibility”.

“Unfortunately, all the efforts we make have a common threat: drug trafficking and the illicit economies it generates. For my country, the fight against drug trafficking is an ethical imperative, because it engenders all corruption, participates in all chains of crime and is the germ of social degradation, “he said. The head of state pointed out that the power of drug trafficking is so great that it fuels other crimes, such as “human trafficking, arms trafficking, illegal mineral extraction, deforestation and smuggling.”.

“Drug trafficking fractures families, breaks social values, constantly threatens the lives of millions of people around the world and promotes inequality, sowing hatred, violence and death in peaceful lands,” concluded Duque.

More on this topic:

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Iván Duque: “It is clear that the Venezuelan dictatorship is in collusion with drug trafficking and terrorism”
