Iván Duque explains the creative industry with water and juice


In the recording, shared in several accounts of that social network, you see President Iván Duque trying to explain the importance of adding “creativity” and how this is valuable to traditional industries.

To exemplify what I wanted to say, Duque had a glass of water and another of orange juice. He said that the water industry was “a traditional industry” and the orange juice industry (interpreted by some as symbolizing the orange economy) was “creativity, talent and culture”.

As it was expected, stated that the construction of traditional private industries I was going to need plus creativity.

For this, he took some orange juice and poured it into the glass of water. “You’re changing the content, the density and the flavor,” Duque said, as he raised the glass of water that was now mixed with a little orange juice.

“The message of how creativity adds value in conventional industries is critical”, Concluded Duque, after his didactics and paradoxically ‘creative’ Explanation.

Immediately, the followers of that social network they started teasing of what happened.

“This beat Juan Diego Alvira and his note on drug addiction with an Alka-Seltzer,” wrote Juliana Ramírez, a journalist from Noticias Uno. “From the same creators of the seven dwarfs,” said José Guarnizo, a journalist for the Vorágine portal.

This is the video and the taunts of some journalists and Twitter users:

Iván Duque’s popularity continues in free fall, according to survey Datexco

The survey ‘Pulse country’ of the specialized firm Datexco and the W Radio showed a clear overview of the President of the Republic.

63% of Colombians surveyed said they had an unfavorable image of Duque. This means an increase of 5% in just the last 3 months.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in Colombia, in March 2020, this is the second highest record of Duque’s unfavorable image. Precisely, in March of last year, this rate was 66%, according Datexco and W Radio.

Only 29% of those asked said they had a favorable image of the President of the Republic, says the survey.

As for the disapproval rate, this figure was even higher against Duque. 68% of those surveyed said they disapprove of the way in which the president is governing the country. Only 27% of those questioned said they approve of the president’s management amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Datexco and W Radio survey.
