Iván Duque: Colombia banned shark fishing – Government – Politics


President Iván Duque announced on Thursday the decision of his Government to prohibit any type of shark fishing in the national jurisdiction.

The president said that although fishing for these sharks had been banned at an industrial level since 2010, he recalled that it was still occurring at an artisanal level in some coastal areas, but particularly in the insular area.

The president recalled that in 2019 the fishing of these fish was prohibited in San Andrés and Providencia, although admitted that there was artisanal fishing, with technical criteria and criteria established by the National Fisheries Unit.

“We made a government decision, supported and sustained and it is that any form of shark fishing, industrial or artisanal, is prohibited in Colombia “said the president in the framework of the television program Prevention and Action.

Duque said that as it is known that this will bring some economic effects in some sectors, some compensation measures will be established through decrees to attend to those affected. In that sense, he spoke of payment for environmental services.

The president said that it is key that we unite in the protection of this important species, which has very clear contributions to nature.

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Climate change

President Duque also referred to the world summit that will be held in the next few days in which heads of state will meet to set positions and goals in terms of mitigating and acting on climate change.

Duque said that although Colombia is one of the countries that contributes the least to the production of greenhouse gases, He assured that it is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change.

The President announced that for the summit to be organized on December 12 by the United Kingdom, Colombia is going to assume “a very important, historic commitment” in what has to do with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

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“Is that by 2030 we are going to commit to a clear and specific multisectoral agenda so that we have a 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions “the president announced.

Duque said that he was talking about the energy transition of clean mobility, of continuing to reduce the deforestation rate, of continuing to plant trees throughout the territory, but also of payment for environmental services, of what the protection of the Amazon and of the moors.

(You may be interested in: This was the interview of some children from a school in Quibdó to Duque)
