It’s official: Alejandro Char confirms Borja continuity in Junior


Former mayor Alejandro Char confirmed this Saturday that Miguel Ángel Borja, the league’s top scorer with 14 goals in 20 games, will continue in Junior for six more months, as EL HERALDO assured a few days ago.

“The new year starts with a great dream come true! @ MiguelABorja9 will continue to be in 2021 to get closer and closer to the tenth that all the fans of your Dad @JuniorClubSA long for. All my support for our rojiblanco crack and we are going with everything to show that # SíSePuede ”, the ex-president wrote on his Twitter account around 10:30 at night.

Although there were some disagreements in the negotiation and some media spoke of a millionaire offer for the gunner from China, finally the shark team and Palmeiras, the team that owns the sports and federative rights of the Cordovan attacker, reached an agreement to assign him on loan for six months more, with the option to purchase 50% of its rights for a value of 4.3 million dollars.

Since last December 17, when Borja announced that he no longer continued in the club of his loves, the rojiblancos leaders began to move looking for alternatives so as not to get rid of the scorer of 20 goals in 36 games during 2020 (14 in the League, one in the Copa Libertadores, four in the South American Cup and one in the Super League).

Last night, in a meeting at the Varadero restaurant, the former mayor announced the continuity of the Cordovan, who was meeting with him for several hours.

The player’s wishes and the push that Fuad and Alejandro Char gave to the negotiation, through the representative Juan Pablo Pachón, were decisive for the operation to be closed with the player’s continuity.

After several days of the novel, it goes, it stays, it goes, it stays, this Saturday the Sharks finally made official the permanence of their scorer for the 2021 season.
