Italian politician Gianluca Corrado appeared bathing during video call


In times of virtuality it is no longer unusual for someone to star in an embarrassing video because the video call camera was left on. On the contrary, the strange thing is that with so many examples it continues to happen.

Anyway, history repeated itself, now with an Italian politician named Gianluca Corrado. This man, a councilor of Milan (Italy) and who had aspired to the mayoralty of that city, appeared taking a naked shower, without realizing that everyone was watching him on a video call.

(See here: Dutch queen’s reaction to rude comment during video conference goes viral)

The meeting between politicians contemplated an environmental plan for the city. Instead, Corrado was seen underwater in a scene that, unsurprisingly, upset many.

“He was dedicated to preening and in the background we saw an electric water heater and a fish stuck to the wall”a member of the opposition said with a tone of irony.

Gianluca Corrado decided to explain what had happened: “I had just returned from playing sports, but I wanted to follow councilor Granelli and the debate among my colleagues. I logged in to listen but had to change quickly because a short time later I had other appointments on the agenda ”.

There are plenty of explanations and nothing will change the fact of having starred in this scene in a video call.

This more direct phrase sums it up: “I thought I had turned off the video, but technology betrayed me”.
