Italian boy takes his life for the viral challenge Jonathan Galindo


According to the newspaper Il Corriere Della Sera, one of the main reasons to think that the minor committed suicide, after jumping from the eleventh floor where he lived with his parents, is that he left a goodbye note.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I love them, but I am afraid of the black man in the hood, “says the note, to which the first death is attributed to the viral challenge ‘Jonathan Galindo’ or the ‘Human Goofy’.

The boy’s parents heard the loud sound of the fall and rushed to see what had happened, encountering the terrible scene of seeing his little dead son, indicates the Italian media.

The Italian juvenile prosecutor’s office interviewed the parents and they pointed out that their son was “calm and cheerful”, although they did admit that in the days before his death he looked very “concerned” about something, but it did not attract their attention excessively, details Il Corriere Della Sera.

What is the viral challenge ‘Jonathan Galindo’ or the ‘Human Goofy’?

The viral challenge ‘Jonathan Galindo’, according to the Italian newspaper, is very similar to that of the ‘Blue Whale’, where unscrupulous people ask children and young people to follow different challenges, the last being taking their own life.

These challenges start out harmless, but each time the follower advances, they become ghoulish. Il Corriere Della Sera explains that everything starts with a friend request from ‘Jonathan Galindo’ on popular social networks like Instagram, Facebook or TikTok.

This viral challenge, says the same newspaper, arose in the United States and recently arrived in Europe, so lhe Italian authorities ask parents and teachers to monitor the hours children spend on the Internet to prevent them from participating in these kinds of viral challenges.

The Infobae portal, on the ‘Jonathan Galindo’ challenge, quote a thread on twitter what does he talk about some conspiracy theories about this terrifying character, which was the subject of debate after it appeared on the networks of a Mexican ‘influencer’.

“One (of the theories) was that he was a disfigured guy, who completed his face with makeup based on the face of the Disney character, others pointed out that he was a psychopathic child kidnapper who began to attack, since in some profiles children appeared in his photos”User Ayuwoki Hee wrote on June 18.

“However, its origin is totally different, although just as disturbing. It’s about Jonathan Galindo, or as he calls himself Dusky Sam; character who is dedicated to making content not because of a furry, which for those who do not know is porn, sexualizing characters with a combination of animals and humans … like Goofy, ”explained that Internet user.

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