It is impossible to ask travelers for COVID tests again: Minsalud


In the program ‘Prevention and action’ this Wednesday, Ruiz said that he had filed a request for clarification so that details could be made about the order to request PCR tests again from outgoing and incoming international travelers in Colombia, a requirement that has not yet returned to be established despite this.

First, he asked for clarification what kind of proof should be accepted, saying that there are several types and that it should be clear which is the most suitable.

Further, asked to define how long the measure in force should last, explaining that maintaining the requirement of evidence indefinitely could affect the rights of thousands of people.

In that sense, the ministry He demanded to know “in what period of time the order must be fulfilled, saying that” it is impossible to fulfill it immediately. because “there are travel plans, trips have been scheduled” and people who have done so “do not have time to wait for the results of a test of this nature” before boarding their flights.

“The phase of the epidemic in which this type of decision is made is of concern,” emphasized Ruiz, mentioning “effects that it can generate in the operational area.” For example, he said that you have to establish what happens if the test comes in another language, “How it can be interpreted, who translates it and who verifies that a document really is a true or false proof”.

They are decisions that cannot be made at random“, He said, and asked to establish” under what epidemiological criteria should be raised “, ensuring that the Government had made the decision not to request the tests again” based on the vision of the epidemiological moment and under the recommendations of the committee of national experts and international ”.

Government reiterates that it stopped requesting COVID-19 tests following suggestions from PAHO and WHO

The delegate of the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization Jean Marc Gabostou also intervened in the program, who reiterated that these organizations “do not recommend requiring tests upon entry or exit.”

According to him, there are several reasons why they make this suggestion. Among them, he mentioned “limitations of the available technology” and imprecision in asymptomatic individuals, which could make many passengers are falsely negative.

In addition, the incubation period is 14 days and it is possible that those infected do not show symptoms or evidence in the first days of infection. “The individual was able to become infected between the time the test was taken and the time of travelGabostou explained. All this without neglecting the possible falsification of evidence.

“The airport is not a hospital or a laboratory,” concluded the delegate.
