“It could be a new ‘Bogotazo'”: Director in charge of the Police on riots


He rendered accounts before the Congress of the Republic for the actions that the uniformed men have been accused of. “It could be a new ‘Bogotazo” “: director in charge of the Police on riots.

Gustavo Moreno, director in charge of the Police, explained in the Second Commission of the Senate of the Republic for the actions that the uniformed men have been accused during the riots last week.

In this rendering of accounts, Moreno stated that the acts of violence were not isolated and were not related to the peaceful protests. He also stated that what happened would be considered a new ‘Bogotazó’, since it has been one of the most violent events in history.

“Some referred to these events, the closest, to the taking of the Palace, but those of us who studied a little more and had the opportunity to learn about the violence in Colombia, we had the perception that it could be a new ‘Bogotazo'” said the director in charge of the Police.

On why the uniformed men carried firearms during these days, he assured that it was because they were subtracting service in the CAI and they were abruptly surprised by the protesters.

That is why the policemen were armed, they had a pistol, a pistol that the State gave them. They were abruptly surprised by a form of violence, with a systematic alignment, so we say that this attack was not spontaneous because it was seen simultaneously in different CAI, observing specific behaviors, “he explained.

“It could be a new ‘Bogotazo” “: director in charge of the Police on riots.


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