Is Trump’s fight with Biden in the US like Uribe’s with Santos?


Lawrence Gumbiner, an expert in international politics and a former United States diplomat, explained to Pulzo that in his country, generally, the former presidents do not oppose his successor in the first yearsBut in the case of Donald Trump, that tradition is likely to change.

For this reason, he said that the opposition that Trump will make to Joe Biden can be compared with the one that Álvaro Uribe made to Juan Manuel Santos at the time and that created a polarization in Colombia, which is still evident.

Despite this, the specialist also considered that there is a big difference between the two versus, because in the United States the current dispute between politicians is marked from the beginning (they were contenders in the elections), while in Colombia it was Uribe who led Santos to the presidency and not many expected that they would end as enemies, after the head of the Democratic Center accused his successor of being a traitor (who has defended himself against that qualification), especially on the issue of the peace accords with the FARC, in Havana.

(See also: Countries that would fare worse and better with Biden as president of the United States)

In this video you can see the complete explanation that the former diplomat, who has worked on issues focused on economic and environmental strategies, political risks, Human Rights and international relations (several in Latin America), gave Pulzo, from minute 3:24, because in other sections of the recording he referred to details of how Trump’s opposition to Biden would be.

Will protests in the United States continue during Biden’s presidency?

The expert consulted by this means also referred to this point and pointed out that demonstrations are very likely to continueespecially on the side of those who are “super-Trump followers.”

“Donald Trump is going to continue to fuel the issue that Biden was not legitimately elected. So, we are going to have a difficult time in the short term, ”he said.

It also stated that stopping the outgoing president of the United States would be in the hands of the Republicans, especially from “the moderates, who are not Trumpists.” If there is no one to stop him, it would cause “a lot of problems”, since he has already “opened up an issue of political violence” in the US, added the source.

Biden’s situation would also complicate his situation, Gumbiner said, explaining what the other points would be, aside from the alleged illegitimate election, that his opponents would stick to to attack him. One of them is scontinue to accuse him of being a socialist and of being a president who is not pro-commerce, whether or not it is true, the expert detailed, as can be heard in more detail in the video of that note.

Trump behind the attack on the Capitol?

There are who They accuse him that he was the one who caused the disorders on January 6, including the senator of his Republican party Mitch McConnell, who apart from condemning the outgoing president of the United States, accused other “powerful people.”

It is worth mentioning that on the disorders, and before the impeachment, Trump decided to tone down and ended up condemning violence on Capitol Hill, for which there were several captured, including ‘Q-Shaman’.

That man, whom some called ‘the Viking’ of the attacks, because of his attire, is pointed out as the leader of the seizure of the Capitol and a follower of ‘QAnon’, a conspiracy theory.

Fake images.
Fake images.

Petro compares Uribe to Trump

He did not do it precisely because of the possible similarity mentioned above, but to call a sit-in against the curfew in Medellín, in the middle of this month.

Uribe follows Trump’s position on the virus. Denialism, letting the population get infected. That’s why we are [Colombia] in 11th place in the world in dead and the United States, in first. An irresponsible policy against the virus in his own city: Medellín ”, wrote the senator from Colombia Humana on Twitter.
