Is Claudio Borghi a candidate to lead the National Team? The Federation clears up the rumors


Recently a news was known about the supposed conversations between the representative of the coach Claudio Borghi with Iván Novella, the director of Development and National Teams of Colombia and right arm of the president Ramón Jesurún, before the possibility of becoming the new coach of the Colombian National Team.

Before the news, Internet users on social networks they showed outraged and upset before the possibility that Claudio Borghi was the new technician of the Selected. However, the Federation confirmed that the coach, At this time, he is not one of the possible candidates to lead the national team.

This occurs after a interview in which Borghi’s representative stated that he would have a meeting with Jesurum to define the future of the coach in the Colombia selection . However, the Federation stated that “there is no scheduled meeting with the coach or his representative. “
