Irregular Venezuelans will implement the Vaccination Plan in Colombia


Irregular Venezuelan citizens living in that city of the Coffee Axis they would be thinking of filing guardianships to access vaccines, which will begin to be distributed on February 20, reported the FM.

The group of foreigners adduces the right to health and equality. In this way, they would seek to access vaccines after President Iván Duque said bluntly that the only Venezuelans vaccinated will be those with dual nationality or regularized at country.

“We have already received requests for advice and protection actions are being prepared; punctually with regard to the irregular migrant population that is settled in Pereira and in the department of Risaralda, who are not included in the national vaccination plan that was announced by the Colombian Government, ”said the person from Pereira, Sandra Lorena Cárdenas, in words compiled by that station.

The projection that irregular Venezuelans could entute the National Vaccination Plan had already been mentioned by the president of the Constitutional Court, Alberto Rojas, who precisely on a visit to Pereira there were discussed the issue.

Despite the doubts that this may generate within Colombians who will receive the vaccine, Rojas was clear in pointing out that the tutelas will not mean “chaos, much less interruption of the immunization plan”RCN Radio added.

Venezuelans in Colombia: Who will receive the vaccine and who will not?

The President of the Republic, Iván Duque, stated since last December 21 that only regularized Venezuelans or those with dual nationality will receive the vaccine against COVID-19 in Colombia.

“The priority will always be the Colombian citizens. That will be our priority, because that is how it is marked. We have cases of citizens with dual nationality. Those cases are going to be handled, not based on nationality. If they are people who are regularized, who have the conditions and, additionally, are within the conditions of pathologies, of a risk condition, defined by the Ministry of Health, that gives guiding criteria for the application of the same, “said Duque, in dialogue with Blu Radio, last 21 of December.

The decision of the National Government to exclude irregular Venezuelans from the Vaccination Plan means that some 935,000 foreigners living in Colombia irregularly will not be able to access to inoculation, added that frequency radial.

To justify the decision, Duque hid himself from the possible effect that the decision to vaccinate irregular immigrants could also cause. “Of course not (these people will be vaccinated). Or if you don’t imagine what we would be experiencing; we would have a call for a stampede for everyone to cross the border to ask to be vaccinated”, Said the president, on that occasion, on Blu Radio.
