Home/ Entertainment / Iranian model denied romance with Mateo Carvajal
Iranian model denied romance with Mateo Carvajal
Well, the Iranian got tired of speculation and in a public story that went up this week to her Instagram account, she pointed out that has no love relationship with the famous Colombian.
“Please stop. @ mateoc17 is just my friend, ”the model wrote about the screenshot of a post from an account whose name was deleted.
In the ‘post’ to which she replied it reads: “@sarvenaz_ss would be the new partner of @ mateoc17. The model constantly comments on her photos and in one he wrote I miss you next to a heart “
While Sarvenaz clarified the alleged love affair, Mateo has not directly referred to the subject, but this Tuesday he did make a pronouncement on the gossip in general and even remembered when he was related to another recognized woman, without them having anything.
“So many pages of Instagram, of gossip. They do not understand that with their content they generate so many emotions, reactions, negativity, hatred, envy, jealousy, so many things, that by simply avoiding a publication they are avoiding a chain of hatred. […] That story that: ‘Ah, you are public figures and you have to be subject; I am simply giving my opinion ’… parce, ethics is a thing that comes from everyone”, was part of what Mateo expressed in his recording.
Below, we show the Iranian posts as well as Matthew’s full statements.
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