Interview with Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, Colombian footballer of the year for EL TIEMPO – International Soccer – Sports


Juan Guillermo Cuadrado already thinks twice before making a feint. He knows that he is an expert in this art of dribbling. But today, at 32 years old, and when he is already a symbol of Juventus, he prefers to go to the front, throw a cross, an assist. This is the Square now, more mature, he says. A Cuadrado that was chosen by EL TIEMPO as the Colombian footballer of the year for his performance and his role in the Turin team, where he had a round 2020.

It’s Monday. Night begins to fall in Italy. Cuadrado has to rest because the next day he has a game. It does not matter, answer the call of EL TIEMPO. He is heard cheerful, in good spirits, and more so when he is told that he was chosen as the best of the year. He laughs, thanks God and is about to review what was his 2020 with the Juventus shirt, the club in which this year he surpassed 300 games in Serie A, in which he won another ‘scudetto’, and where he had the privilege of being captain for the first time. Cuadrado does not threaten questions about him and about the Colombian National Team, he answers head-on, as if he was only throwing assists.

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What do you think of being the best Colombian footballer of the year?
Very happy, imagine, grateful to God for that, because he is the one who supports me. This is the result of work and of so much sacrifice and discipline that one puts in the day to day. I am proud of this recognition.

It has received many accolades this year. How do you rate your 2020?
I did very well. Last season we started with (Maurizio) Sarri and now with (Andrea) Pirlo, working as a winger. I think that I have been growing in football, not only in attack, but also in defense, and that has helped me a lot to stay focused and maintain a good performance. This is about maintaining that discipline and wanting to improve every day.

How have you handled the stress of the pandemic?
It is of every day. Every two days to the tests, when there is a Champions League game there are more tests, and all that is complicated. And it feels nostalgic to get to play a Barcelona-Juventus and not have an audience, it is difficult, but we love football and we are so passionate that even without an audience, we try to do our best and do as usual. You have to find greater strength because sometimes the public helps in those difficult moments; the shout is necessary, the applause with a good move, or the whistle in a bad one, hehe. All that is necessary. The time will come.

And personally, how much did it impact you?
All this time has been difficult for many people, for some more difficult, others less, but this time I have truly seen it as a time of reflection, a time in which one can give those blessings received to others. It was a time with my wife, of showing generosity to others. We like to help those who need it. We try to do it this way, through the Juan Guillermo Cuadrado Foundation. It was also a family time, to share, to get to know our children more, their hearts, because being with them 24/7 is a beautiful time.

(Also read: This is how Colombia’s negotiations with Reinaldo Rueda are going)

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado

Cuadrado, in full match with Juventus.

How is it that you have managed to find this regularity in the year?
When there are games so often it is difficult to stay, but I think that with training, good discipline and diet, that helps you to be prepared, and the more you play, the more rhythm you will have. Thank God I have continuity.

Is it your best moment?
Yes, I am having a good time, although I think that at Fiorentina I also had very good moments. But now I am a different Juan Guillermo, more mature, knowing where to play, where to risk, when to throw the pass, the center, instead of dribbling or dribbling. I am another version, different from Fiorentina.

But staying in a team like Juventus should have more merits …
Yes, in such a large team, with so many high-level players, the competition is there, and that helps you to demand more of yourself, not to give spaces so that they don’t take your position away. It is important to stay well in each training session, in each game, to always give the best.

How does it feel to share with so many figures, stay and stand out?
Very calm. That’s nice, playing with leading players like Cristiano, Dybala, Buffon, Alex Sandro, Danilo … They have played in great teams and being with them is a source of pride, and even more knowing that I am part of that, in a great club, I live with great humility.

Being captain of Juve in some games, what additional responsibilities has it brought you?
Heh, that’s a pride, being the first Colombian captain in Juve was something very nice. Already after several years here, being the leader of the team and being kept in mind is a responsibility, on and off the pitch, that’s nice. Besides, we have important references like Cristiano or Buffon, and being among those leaders I try to be a good example, not only as a player.

What was that moment like when they put the bracelet on you?
They didn’t tell me or tell me anything before. It was against Spezia and then against Cagliari, and the gesture was very cool because with Cristiano and Buffon, and that they gave it to me is something of respect and of what you have earned at the club. That is pride.

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, in action with Juventus.

This year he also won another title in Seria A, although now it is a bit more complicated …
For us that is always a goal, we are working to defend the title, it would already be the tenth ‘scudetto’, although it is not easy, it is difficult, everyone is well armed, they want to win, more after Juventus winning so much … They are being combative everything, but we work hard to get another degree

This year he also became an outstanding assistant, the best in the Champions League … (he has been 8 this season, 5 in the Champions League and 3 in Serie A)
Yes, I’m working a lot on that, because playing on the right side the teammates tell me to try not to dribble a lot, but to go forward and center, because I do it well, heh, heh; they tell me I’m trying, and thank God it’s coming out, and I want to keep it up.

teammates tell me to try not to dribble a lot, but to go forward and center, because I do it well

The old discussion: lateral or steering wheel?
I was almost always on the wing this year, I feel good, comfortable and with the freedom that the teacher gives me to go on the attack. He insists that I stand well behind and when there is space, that I do not wait, but go out and make that other option in attack, so I am comfortable in these two years that I have played there, and knowing the position more and more.

What have you thought for your future? Because there is talk of an option in China …
I don’t think about the future now. I have two more years at Juve, when the time comes I will think about that.

What do you think of being the best of the year, above James, Duván, Falcao …?
I’m just happy and grateful to God for that, knowing that all Colombian players try to do their best. Regardless of whether Juan or Muriel or Falca or James wins it, it is important to leave the name of Colombia high.

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, Colombian player.

Is the mole for everyone in the National Team the start of the tie?
We did not start badly. We started as we expected in the first games, with a good game against Venezuela, and in Chile it was very difficult to draw, with a good attitude and a good attitude we showed something very good; In the following matches (Uruguay and Ecuador) we wanted to do our best, get the results, it didn’t happen, soccer is like that. People will always want to cover up the good you have done. Beyond all that, we were, and are, doing a good job. I believe and trust that the National Team is up to great things, but two ugly games don’t take that away from us. We have the goal of going to the World Cup, we can achieve it. You have to accept the criticism, that they were not the games we wanted, but we have the goal in mind.

What really happened?
This is football, you plan things, sometimes they don’t come out; When we played with Uruguay we received those two goals so quickly in Barranquilla, with the humidity, the heat, and then we wanted to, we could have gone 2-1, 2-2 in the first half, and we didn’t get it, especially with the wear , running, trying harder, and Uruguay played very well, and in Barranquilla if they touch you and you run you also wear out, it is because we also feel heat and humidity. We wanted to go looking and we couldn’t, that wore us out. In Ecuador it was the same, with the goals very quickly we had to go against the current, we wanted and left spaces, and they charged us for that. But that has already happened, sometimes you win, sometimes you draw and sometimes you learn. We have to learn from that and turn the page, difficult games are coming and we have to be well.

(Also read: Cuadrado defined his future: is he going to China or is he staying in Italy?)

Did it bother you that there was talk of internal problems in the National Team?
No, I know what I want and who I trust. Whoever lives by applause dies from criticism. Those same people who applaud you are the first to criticize you. Obviously, you are hurt, sad, but with trust in God, that if that happened, it will help us for something much better. And from what was said, I don’t care …

Is the Selection united?
Yes, we always talk and we are a family, and the family in the face of difficulties is there, united in difficult moments. Right after what happened, it hurt us, but we think about what is coming in the clubs to be well in the March games. I know we will.

You were one of the only ones who spoke after the departure of Carlos Queiroz …
I always said that I thanked him for everything he did, because he was a great example, as a father, I knew that from him in a short time.

Was your exit decision good?
The decision was part of the Federation, but that is respectable, and God will know why.

Reinaldo Rueda could arrive … What do you think?
I have no idea who it will be. Hopefully whoever comes comes to contribute.

Editor of EL TIEMPO
Twitter: @PabloRomeroET
