Intervention at the Julio Méndez Barreneche University Hospital: Health Superintendent responds to intervention at the Santa Marta hospital | Regions


On May 12 and after a follow-up of several months, in which they were documented 59 legal, administrative, healthcare and financial deficiencies, the National Health Superintendency began the intervention of the Julio Méndez Barreneche University Hospital in Santa Marta.

However, in the midst of the intervention procedure, a strong confrontation was held by the governor of Magdalena, Carlos Caicedo, and the superintendent of Health, Fabio Aristizábal.

In the middle of the verbal dispute, the superintendent said to the governor: “Do not raise my voice or attack me. Interventions are not notified, the hospital is intervened

Faced with this incident, Superintendent Aristizábal, spoke in La W about the intervention made at the hospital and the harsh criticism of Governor Caicedo.

Governors typically welcome these interventions. They are uncomfortable, but they must be done (…) if they must intervene or must be done, it is to save the hospital and that works for them, “explained the superintendent, who added that it was an” uncomfortable and unfortunate “situation for him, because he was afraid.

Regarding the intervention of the university hospital, Aristizábal explained that from the Superintendency “we had already set our sights on Magdalena a long time ago. We had identified some political fights for health in this hospital. What is done is to communicate to the governor and deploy a team of work”.

Therefore, he assured that those who have seen them act “know that when we make a decision it is because the department needs it. We never inform a ruler that we are going to interveneBut we do notify you when we will act and we will help you. “

Regarding the criticism that his administration has received from the Congress of the Republic, Aristizábal replied: “One is defended by the results and if there is a Superintendency that has acted, it has been this one. We have given some very hard battles and I am calm with it. For doing good and trying to recover the hospital to help the department, I felt intimidated (…) nobody knew that we were going to intervene with all the transparency of the case. “

For his part, Governor Caicedo stated in La W that the way in which the university hospital intervention was made is “outrageous” and is due to a payment of favors by Superintendent Aristizábal.

“What I see here is a governor expressing citizen outrage,” argued Caicedo, adding that “we are not only talking about forms, but about content (…) the superintendent wants to return the hospital to the traditional political class, it is a lie that I have recovered it “.

Thus, Caicedo harshly questioned the superintendent’s management: “Why was the intervention only carried out until May? Why not design an improvement plan (…) the Díazgranados, together with the Cotes, have managed the health for decades, especially this hospital. “

Therefore, Governor Caicedo expressed his concern about this situation, warning that “has a political whiff”He asks, “Who is going to be able to attend to this situation as a priority?

Finally, the Governor of Magdalena called on the Attorney General, Fernando Carrillo, to suspend this action by the Supersalud: “If you want to pay political favors, you can do it later.”
