Infections and deaths from coronavirus on September 4


It is striking that on Thursday, September 3, it was reported the same number of deaths from the coronavirus: 270.

The entity highlighted that in the last hours 28,534 PCR tests and 7,479 for antigens, a slight increase considering that last Thursday 23,735 PCR tests and 10,273 for antigens were reported.

The Ministry, from your Twitter account, stated that with these figures Colombia already registers 650,062 COVID-19 cases and 20,888 deaths since the pandemic began.

However, the positive data is that they are already reported 498,221 recovered from the coronavirus. In addition, 2,880,158 samples have already been processed and are kept 129,608 active cases.

Health authorities indicate that today there are 1,332 conglomerates in the country, distributed in the following areas: Amazonas, Antioquia (Ituango), Arauca, Atlántico, Barranquilla, Bogotá, Boyacá, Bolívar, Caldas, Caquetá, Cartagena, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Chocó, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindío, Risaralda, San Andrés, Santa Marta, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle, Vaupés, Vichada, Guaviare and Guainía.

The regions most affected by COVID-19

According to the report of the Ministry of Health, the areas of the country where the new cases of the virus were registered were Bogotá (2,159), Antioquia (1,658), Valle (519), Santander (464), Cundinamarca (452), Meta (301), Huila (282), Cesar (264), Tolima (260), Córdoba (241), Risaralda (222), Caquetá (203), Sucre (159), Nariño (150), La Guajira (150) and Boyacá (105).

By below 100 cases The regions of Norte de Santander (92), Caldas (90), Quindío (77), Barranquilla (77), Santa Marta (76), Atlántico (75), Cartagena (61), Cauca (61), Arauca (61) appear. ), Magdalena (55), Bolívar (48), Putumayo (37), Casanare (30), Vaupés (18), Guaviare (18), Chocó (12), San Andrés (6), Amazonas (4) and Guainía ( one).

This is the daily report issued by the Health portfolio on its social networks:
