Indigenous People of Cauca Announce Taking of the Pan-American Highway; Defensor offers guarantees – Cali – Colombia


The indigenous people of the department of Cauca, grouped in the Regional Indigenous Council (Cric) warned that on October 5 they will take the Pan-American highway, to protest what they consider to be non-compliance by the national government.

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This was made known during a meeting with the Ombudsman, Carlos Camargo Assis, in which the official listened to the claims of the indigenous people of Cauca, who ask for compliance with health, land and education issues.

The target of criticism was the Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, whom they accuse of continuing to victimize to those who go to the social protest and reject measures such as the fumigation of illicit crops in the south of the country.

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The Ombudsman listened to the complaints and said that he promised to be an articulator between the citizens and the institutions of the State. “I am a defender of life, defender of the rights of Colombians, defender of social protest,” said the official.

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Camargo offered the representatives of 124 councils that have a seat in the Cric all the guarantees to exercise the protest social, but recommended not to go to the roads in fact. “We will be accompanying them in their claims and in each of their requests,” he assured.

